18-Dangerous Territory

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I was currently on the hunt for Cole. What he did was incredibly amazing and I needed to express my emotions right now. 

Why the frick was this house so huge?

He and the band got off stage and I lost him in the crowd. Where the heck could a six foot two man have gone?

I head upstairs looking in all the empty bedrooms. 

There is one last door at the end of the hallway. I go to open the door when it swings open. 

I collide with a solid body. 

Oh gosh. 

Two large hands hold me steady at the waist. 

Looking up I see the man I was just hunting for. 

He gives me a lopsided smile, "Hey shortcake."

I smile up at him all those feelings bubbling up in my chest. 

"I thought you swore you would never sing One Direction." I tease and he rolls his eyes, "It was a birthday gift, don't expect it again."

He sang One Direction for me. Yep I was in dangerous territory. 

"Did you like it?" He asks searching my eyes. Oh is he nervous?

Cole nervous? That's new. 

Standing on my tippy toes I connect our lips for a brief few seconds before pulling back, "Of course I liked it you idiot."

He smiles showing off his dimple. Major swoon. 

"Why would you sing One Direction if you don't like them?" I ask curiously, Cole sighs, "I would do anything for you." He says. 

That's it. 

I close the distance between us once more but this time our kiss is hungry, full of want. 

We somehow make our way into an empty bedroom. 

Grabbing the front of Coles sweater I pull him with me down onto the bed. 

I am not ready to go all the way with him yet but that doesn't mean we can't fool around. 

My hands find themselves on his chest before slowly gliding down his front. I can feel his toned stomach beneath my fingers. 

Cole leaves my lips as he kisses down my jaw to my neck. Oh gosh is this man trying to kill me?

An involuntary moan leaves me as his hands slide up my thighs to my waist, taking my dress with them. 

Grabbing the hem of his sweater, I pull it up and over his head. 

I take a moment to look at his bare chest. Wanting to mental screenshot the image in front of me, store it in my memories forever. 

I want to take so many of Cole. I want one of his smile when he looks at me with eyes only filled with care. When he tells me I look pretty. 

I want another of his laugh. I want the sound imbedded in my ears, in my heart. 

I want to memorize the way his hands glide over my body. The way his lips imprint themselves on my own. 

Leaning back down he captures my lips with his. My hands find their way up his chest and around his neck and into his hair. 

I can feel his need pressed against my thigh. 

Our lips move in sync and my legs wrap around him, trapping him to me. 

I want to freeze time and keep us in this moment. 

If only it were that easy, that simple. 

"Cole." I moan when he nips at the skin where my shoulder and neck meet. 

He grunts and dang why is that so hot?

"I love the way you make me feel." I whisper out. I don't know what possessed me to say it but I do. 

I meant it in more ways than one. Not just physical but what he does to my heart. He makes me feel whole, complete. 

He breaks away from my neck and looks at me. I mean really looks at me. Into my eyes, into my soul. 

The thing about his next words were I could see them coming. I could see it based on the way he looked at me. 

"I think I'm in love with you." He says and even though I could sense those words coming, I froze. 

Breathe Delilah, I tell myself. 

The silence in the room is deafening.

"I-" I start but the words die in my throat. The look in Cole's eyes, the hurt, it squeezes my heart. 

Before I can say anything he is off of me. "Cole-" I start again as he puts his sweater back on. 

"Just forget I said anything Delilah." He says, his voice cold. 


I sit up, fixing my dress. "I didn't-" I stop myself again. 

I didn't what? 

Didn't mean to hurt him? Didn't mean to not love him back? 

Do I love him?

My heart has never been the best at judgment. It led me to a horrific place once before, can I even trust what it's telling me?

Is it what I am feeling for Cole love?

He turns to me shaking his head, "Please just forget it ok?"

I stand up, my legs feeling like jelly. 

"Cole I'm sorry." I say softly. 

I could lie and tell him it's too fast. We've only known each other for just over three months. 

That is a justified answer, but it's not the truth. 

The truth would be that Cole and I clicked. We've never had that awkward what do I say tension. Even before we knew each other, I think we knew each other. 

He runs a shaky hand through his hair and I feel even worse. 

I hurt someone I care about because of my past. That's not the first time either. 

I've hurt so many people in my life because of that one relationship, because I believed my heart when it said it loved him

Grabbing my phone I can't even meet his eyes. 

The look, the hurt, that's what is playing in my mind right now. 

"I should go." I say before rushing out of the room. I don't even wait to see if he says anything. 

My heart can't take it. 

Leaving the house is a blur, getting into my car, entering my dorm. All a blur. 

The only thing I remember was clicking on my archived posts on instagram. 

Looking at pictures of him, of us. 

Remembering why my heart is confused.

Remembering why I couldn't say I love you back. 

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