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It's Halloween. 

Halloween is probably my favorite time of the year. Bailey and I used to have a tradition where we would have a scary movie marathon.

Clearly traditions have changed since Jasmine hates scary movies. So instead we just go to whatever halloween party we can find. 

I don't hate it, I mean getting to make my own costume gives me so many options on what I want to be. 

I decided last week what I was going to be. It's definitely not my most original idea but I like the costume. 

I am going as Poison Ivy and Jasmine is going as Jinx. Both are DC villains, Jasmines idea. 

She suggested it and I liked the sound of it. We chose which villain we wanted to be and I made the costumes.

I decided to curl my hair into spirals and I did a green makeup look. I used green eyeshadow and highlighter, and for my lips a deep red. 

Jasmine and I change into our costumes. I am actually super happy the way mine came out. 

It's a sparky green dress I sewed fake vines and leaves onto. The dress comes down to my mid thigh and is sleeveless. 

"Ready?" Jasmine asks fixing her top. I nod and quickly grab my keys and we head out. 

This year we were actually going to a party party. Not some college party. 

Kai actually told Jasmine about it saying he and the guys would be there. 

Which meant Cole would be there.

He didn't mention the cheek kiss I mean what is there to mention? I kissed his cheek very pg of me. 

Still did he feel as nervous as I felt around him now?

Probably not. 

We get to the party and Jasmine and I step out. Walking inside we see everyone dressed up. 

"Kai said they're playing tonight." Jasmine says as we make our way to get drinks. "Oh cool." I say sipping my drink. 

Jasmine smirks, "Oh cool? Don't pretend like you aren't excited to see lover boy perform."

 I roll my eyes as we weave through the crowd so we can be close to the stage.

The guys make there way onto the stage, and Jasmine and I gasp. 

They are dressed as the 'Men in Black.'

All of them wearing the suits and glasses. 

Jasmine starts laughing, "Oh my god this is amazing." she says pulling out her phone. 

They perform their set as the crowd sings along. 

Once they are off the stage Jasmine turns to me, "I can't believe they actually did it." 

I laugh, "I can't believe they remembered."

The first time we watched them perform we teased them about wearing all black, calling them the men in black. 

Kai and Cole meet us near the bar. The moment Kai makes his way to Jasmine she grabs him by the tie hauling him off to god knows where.

"Nice costume." I say trying to hold in my smile. Cole scans mine from head to toe, "Poison Ivy?"

He asks and I nod, "In the flesh."

Leaning in he whispers in my ear, "So if I kiss you I die right?" He asks and a shiver runs down my spine. 

That was flirting right?

No I am just reading into it. 


"Maybe, do you want to chance it?" I ask. 

Oh gosh what is wrong with me. 

Do you want to chance it?

Let me just go bury myself in sand. 

He smirks, "Well aren't you bold tonight shortcake." 

Oh gosh he didn't say yes or no.

That means he doesn't want to kiss me right?


"Hey hey hey." Spencer says walking up to us. 

I smile and look to his left. 

Two women stand beside him. 

One has caramel skin and short dark brown hair. Her freckles are so apparent I can't tell if they are real or not. She's wearing a pirate dress costume.

The girl beside her looks straight out of a magazine. She's super tall probably six foot and has dark skin. She's got those cheek bones you see models have. The thing that catches me is the dress she's wearing. It's a long sparky silver dress. 

"What are you supposed to be?" I ask her and she shows me the trophy in her hand, "An award winner."

 "Poison ivy?" She asks and I nod. "Oh I'm Delilah." I say and the girl beside her lights up, "You're the girl who made that top for me?" 

I look over to Spencer and he nods, "Uh yeah." She engulfs me into a hug, "I loved it thank you."

"You're welcome." I say as she pulls away, "Oh sorry I'm Georgie and this-" She points to the other girl, "Is Desiree."

We all start chatting and well, also drinking. 

At some point it's just me and Desiree. 

"You and Cole make a cute couple." She says and I pinch my brows together, "Oh we're not-"

She cuts me off, "Don't lie, I see the way you two look at each other."

I laugh, "We seriously aren't a couple, I hardly look at him."

She quirks an eyebrow, "Mhm sure."

River comes up beside her throwing an arm around her, "Hey." She says smiling. 

He whispers something in her ear to make her laugh, "Well I got to go, bye Delilah." She leaves with River and I am all alone. 

Well not for long. 

I feel him before he is even close to me. 

"All alone?"

I turn to look at him, "Not anymore."

Seriously why am I like this?

"Most of everyone has gone home, need a ride?" He asks and I take my phone out to text Jasmine. 

She lets me know she left with Kai already. 

"Uh yeah sure." I say and we head out to his car. 

Cole starts the car before pulling out onto the main road. 

"So is Desiree and River a thing?" I ask before I can stop myself. Oh I am so nosey, I'll just blame it on the alcohol. 

Cole shakes his head, "No she was friends with Georgie for years and River was always around. He sees her as a sister."

"Oh." I say, I don't know they seemed more than that. 

As we drive I begin to feel tired. At some point I fall asleep, I don't realize until I feel someone pick me up.

I subconsciously wrap my arms around there neck.

There are some stairs and then I am set on a bed. 

A very soft bed.

I let sleep take over my body.

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