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I am currently headed back to the dorms. 

Earlier this morning I had texted Jasmine asking if she would be there, and she let me know she was already there. 

Which means now I am currently heading there to pack my things and let her know I am moving out. 

Hopefully she doesn't try to take it personally. I just want to live with Cole, permanently, plus she is always gone anyways. 

I texted Bailey asking how she would tell her roommate she was going to live at her boyfriends place. 

Her response did not help at all. 

'I didn't tell mine I just moved in to Noah's dorm. Hell I didn't tell Noah either I just did it. Honestly just move out and don't tell her.'

Thats also when I remembered she had that weird thing against Jasmine. 

Cole reminded me again this morning that she probably wouldn't care that much and that I was over thinking for nothing. Gosh I hope thats true. 

As I head upstairs towards our room I really start to freak out. 

I can't go through losing a friend again over a guy. Except this time I am not cutting off that friend, I am simply moving out. You know what maybe Cole is right I am probably scaring myself for nothing.

Unlocking the door I step inside the dorm. Jasmine sits on her bed and when she sees me she smiles. 

"Hey Del." She says standing from her bed. I place my purse on my bed, I really need to stop working myself up over something so small. 

Bailey and Cole are right I shouldn't be freaking out over something like this but it's just how I am. 

"So how are things with Louis?" I ask searching through my dresser trying not to make eye contact. 

My therapist is going to have a field day with this conversation. 

"Good, I met his mom." I smile turning towards her, "Really? How was she?"

She shrugs, "Cool I guess, so what did you want to talk about?"

Oh look my old yellow shirt I wore the first day of freshman year, I forgot about this. 

"Delilah?" I take a deep breath, "Um so things have been going well with Cole lately."

"Ok?" She says hesitantly. 

I go to sit on my bed, "And he asked me to move in and I said yes."

I wait for her to freak out like Bailey did. Tell me how excited she was that I was in a good relationship now and that I should be happy. 

That is not how it went. 

Instead she just stared at me for a hot minute before saying, "You're serious?" 

Nodding I show her the key, "He gave me my own key and everything. I was going to go through my stuff and see if you wanted anything if not I might donate things I don't wear anymore. Like this shirt remember I wore it the first day school and spilt caramel sauce on it-"

"You're really moving out?" She asks and I furrow my brows, "Yeah I just said that."


I run a hand through my hair, "Because I love Cole and I want to take that next step with him. Plus I spend most nights at his house anyways so it just made sense."

"Don't you think it's a little fast though, I mean you've only known each other five months." She says laughing dryly. 

I roll my bottom lip into my mouth, "Well I think I want to move in with him. I thought you would be happy for me."

"I am happy for you, it's just I don't want you to rush for a guy."

"I'm not rushing Jazz I promise."

She quirks an eyebrow, "Are you sure, I mean who even brought it up?"

"Him, but it is his apartment. I wouldn't just invite myself to live at his place." I say as if she should've understood that. 

I mean who invited themselves to live at someone else's place? 

She hums, "Ok."

Oh well that went better than I expected, I guess I was worried for nothing. 

I start going through my closet when I find a dress I made freshman year. I never wore it and I knew I probably never will. Orange was never really my color. 

"Do you want this?" I show the dress to Jasmine and she shakes her head, "I don't want anything of yours."

Ok then. 

I put the dress in a pile on my bed with the yellow shirt. I'll probably offer them to Bailey when I see her next, that or donate them. I hate throwing away clothes. 

As I sort through more clothes Jasmine just sits quietly on her bed watching. 

Pulling my suitcase out from under my bed I start to pack my clothes and shoes inside. Jasmine huffs and I turn around, "You ok?"

She just rolls her eyes, "Yeah it's not like my roommate and best friend is choosing to leave me or anything."

I halt mid fold, putting my dress beside the suit case. 

"I'm not leaving you, we just won't live together anymore. That doesn't mean we can't still have sleepovers." 

"No thanks." I look at her confused, "No thanks what?"

"We don't need to have sleepovers, it's all good."  She says shrugging it off. 

I finish zipping up my suitcase, "Oh." I say trying to keep my voice neutral. 

"Well are you done?" She asks as I finish stuffing my duffle bag. 

Without looking at her eyes I nod, "Yeah, wanna see a movie Saturday?" I ask, the third movie to one our of favorite series is coming out this weekend. 

"No I'm busy."


"Ok um well, let me know when you're free and we can go see it." I say but she says nothing back. 

I mean she didnt flip out but I don't know if this is any better. 

Grabbing my bags I head out the door before walking to my car. 

The moment I get inside I turn on my radio all the way, then I drive to Cole's place. 

To our place. 

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