21-Trust Me

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I slowly begin to wake up. 

My eyes are still heavy and my senses having completely come back yet. 

All I know is I had a good nights rest. 

No seriously, but yet I still feel tired. 

I go to turn in the bed when I feel a weight around me. That weight is really warm so unconsciously I snuggle into it. 

Memories of the past two days flood my mind. 

Jasmines threw me a birthday party, Intrusions sang One Direction- no Cole sang One Direction to me then preceded to tell me he loved me. I freaked and ran like an idiot. Then the next day went to Cole's and explained everything. 

I dove into my worst memories to help him and I think me understand. For him to understand why it's so hard for me and for me to realize how awful he was. 

After Cole held me as I cried, he told me he was making me dinner. 

He made an amazing chicken cordon bleu. No seriously it was heaven. If the whole band thing didn't work out he should become a chef. 

Once we finished eating he gave me an official loft tour. Honestly I had already seen everything since the only room he had with four walls was his bathroom.

Then we went upstairs to his bed and just talked. 

He told me more about his parents ugly split. How hard his mom took the betrayal. He also told me more about Haley. 

She sounds like a total biatch.

Then I told him more about other things from my past. My hard core friend ship with Bailey. Cal's obsession with Say Yes To The Dress, and even how in eighth grade I tried to learn to skateboard and fell in my neighbors bush.

I think at some point we must've fallen asleep, which meant the weight on me is Cole's arm. 

Honestly I am quite comfy like this. 

Which is why I remain laying there in the bed under his arm. 

I must fall back asleep because the next time I wake up Cole is no longer beside me. 

Sitting up I breathe in that familiar scent. 

He's making his special omelet. 


Standing up I head down stairs to his bathroom first before going to where Cole currently is, making breakfast. 

I sit down on the stool and watch as he flips the omelets in the pan. 

"Hi." I say and he looks up at me, "Hey shortcake." He replies. 

Cole places the omelets on two plates and hands one to me.

We make our way to his couch and sit down beside each other.

I take a bite of my omelet and I swear this is what heaven must be like. 

"So I feel like we should talk." The words exit my mouth before I can stop them.

He turns to me placing his half eaten breakfast on his plate. 

"We talked about everything yesterday but I wanted to know if you know..." I trail off slightly embarrassed.

He raises an eyebrow, "If I what?" He asks and I sigh. 

"Do you, you know, still want to be with me?" I ask. Oh gosh why is this so hard for me. 

Cole looks at me like I have a second head. That does not help with my nerves. 

DelilahHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin