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You ever have one of those dreams where everything is super off?

Like maybe there's a flying dog or you're half human half horse. 

Then you wake up and forget the whole dream except that feeling in your stomach. 

Well that's how I feel waking up this morning. I know I had some bizarre weird dream but I can't remember it for the life of me. 

I flip over to my side and feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. 

Snuggling into Cole I rack my brain to remember that dream. I know it'll bother me until I either forget about having a dream or actually remember it. 

"What are you thinking about?" Cole asks and I wonder how the heck he knew I was working the gears in my mind so hard. 

Was there smoke coming out of my ears?

"I had a funky dream and now I can't remember it." His hand slides under my shirt and over my bare stomach, "A sex dream."

I kick his shin with my heal, "No perv, I am talking about a bizarre dream. Like the one I told you about how I was in the woods with a southern accent running away from a knife welding Kathy Bates. Except this one I cannot remember."

That dream scared me. See my car broke down and I happened to be in the middle of no where at night. There was a house though and I knocked on the door. Kathy Bates answered and I asked if I could borrow her phone. 

That's how I knew I had a southern accent. 

She invited me in and said she would grab it and next thing I know she's chasing me through the dark woods with a cleaver. 

I refuse to watch anything with Kathy Bates now. 

"Well maybe it was a normal dream you thought was bizarre. Like that one time you thought it was a weird dream until you remembered it was just you dining with James Franco on the titanic." 

I roll my eyes, "Which was a weird dream. What was I doing on the titanic with James?" 

My phone buzzes and I reach up on the nightstand to grab it. 

"Cal's plane arrives in three hours." I say excitedly. It's been too long since I saw my brother. Plus he promised to make me some new recipes he's learned. 

Also my brother and boyfriend get to meet each other. How cool is that? 

Cole has some stuff with the band but tonight, Cal and I are meeting him for dinner. 

I am not nervous that Cal won't like Cole I mean who doesn't like Cole?

The fear is just the last boyfriend Cal met was well....anyways I just hope he'll go in with an open mind. 

Normally Cal always does, he never judges anyone right off the bat. I just know after everything that happened he's extra protective of me. 

"Want breakfast before I leave?" Cole asks against my neck. I smile as he plants a kiss there, "Of course."

Cole and I haven't had sex yet. I am still not ready to go all the way and he's ok with it. As he should. 

We've done other stuff though. I mean not really the farthest we have gone was the morning in his apartment a few days ago. Which was ruined by Jasmine's phone call.

After that it's just been kisses, touches over clothes, and shameless grinding. 

Cole goes into the bathroom first and I use that time to text Bailey. 

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