32-Move In?

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It's been a week since Bailey and Noah left. 

New Years with them was a lot of fun. Bailey and Cole got to know more about each other which was really good. I was worried since she can be heavily opinionated but everything she thought of him seemed to be positive. 

She even told him 'see you next year' to him, as in she thinks we are in for the long haul. If that wasn't a guarantee she thought that, when she hugged me goodbye she whispered, 'You guys are so endgame.' 

Let's just say Cole is Bailey approved. Noah as well I suppose, he told me Cole seemed like a good guy. 

School started back up again so I have been pretty busy with that. Most nights I either crash at Cole's or get back to the dorms late after being at his place for hours. Then just pass out on my bed, get up and go back to school. 

Since Jasmine's gotten back from vacation she's been spending every night at the dorm. Well at least I think so, the nights I don't spend there I just shoot her a text saying I am at Cole's. 

Tonight is one of those nights I am spending at Cole's. It's Friday night which means I don't have any classes tomorrow, which means I actually get to sleep in. 


As Cole gets ready for bed I send Jasmine a quick text to let her know I won't be back tonight. She answers like she always does a simple, 'ok.'

I slip off my jeans and shirt before grabbing one of Cole's shirts and putting it on. They always smell like cinnamon. I throw my hair into a pony tail before getting into bed. 

Cole comes up the stairs a few minutes later in nothing but sweat pants. 

Oh my gosh. 

He slips in beside me wrapping me in his arms. I lay my head on his chest wrapping my own arm around his torso. 

"Have you ever watched Interview with a vampire?" I ask against his chest. 

"What's that?" He asks and I sit up slightly, my chin now resting against his chest instead of my head. 

"A movie, it's really good. Brad Pitt is in it, and Tom Cruise but he's gross." 

"You don't like Tom Cruise?" I shake my head, "He gives me the ick."

He furrows his brows, "The ick?"

I nod, "Yeah like I feel grossed out by him. I don't know what it was but something put me off."

Cole laughs, "Do I give you the ick?"

"If you gave me the ick I wouldn't be here." I don't think a single thing he could do would put me off. 

I wonder if anything I do gives him the ick. I mean he did see my foot get caught in the rip in my jeans. Then I tumbled back into his dresser, I had a bruise on my back for a week. 

"Anyways I can't believe you've never seen Interview with a vampire, it's such a classic"  He hums. 

Rolling my eyes I grab my computer off of his nightstand. 

"What are you doing?" He asks looking over my shoulder as I pull up the movie, "You are going to watch the movie, and then we are going to make a list of movies you need to watch. 

He plops his head down on the pillow, "Shortcake I am not a movie buff like you."

I turn slightly to face him, "You know who doesn't like moves? Bland people, do you want to be bland Cole?" 

The movie starts and we both turns towards it. 

Cole's questions through the movie are ridiculous. 

'Why the little girl?' 

'What's up with the flying?'

'Why is Brad Pitt telling this guy the story?' Then I said he's interviewing a vampire obvs.

'Why did they let the little girl die?'

'This movie sucks.' Ok so maybe that one was more of a statement that a question. 

By the time the movie finishes Cole looks bored out of his mind and I am ready to start Queen of the damned. 

"Theres another one?" He asks as I go to look for it. I nod, "Yeah sorta. I mean the guys from the first one aren't in it but Tom cruises character Lestat is in it."

"Is there at least a plot to this one?" I bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from smiling, "Maybe."

There really isn't but he doesn't have to know that. 

By the end of the one Cole looks two seconds away from falling asleep, "That one was good right?" He narrows his eyes at me, "Those were the worst movies I have ever seen."

I gasp, "The worst? Are you sure?" He nods and I swing my leg over his, straddling him. 

"Are you really sure?" I ask leaning down and kissing his neck. 

His hands find their way to my hips, "Just cause you kiss me doesn't mean I am changing my opinion."

I groan falling down beside him. 

"You just have no taste."

He laughs, "Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are wrong."

I raise an eyebrow, "Sure."

We fall asleep eventually and I wake up to cold sheets beside me. 

Sitting up I stretch my arms above my head, I grab my phone and text Bailey back. Then I head down stairs to the bathroom. 

There is a sticky note on the mirror from Cole saying he'd be back in a few. I jump in the shower before heading back up stairs to get changed. 

I put on a pair of white high waisted shorts and one of Cole's long sleeve black shirts. The sleeves go past my hands and I slap them around a little. I hear the apartment door open and shut so I head down stairs. 

Cole is placing grocery bags on the counter. I walk into the kitchen rummaging through the bags. 

"You know you could help put stuff away while you look through it." Cole says as I pull out a bag of Cheetos, "I'm good." I say opening the bag and popping one into my mouth. 

"Can I ask you something?" Cole asks and I look up at him mid bite. I nod chewing and swallowing the Cheeto. 

"Move in?" I furrow my brows and he continues, "With me. Move in with me." He says and I freeze. 

Oh gosh. 

The thing is I practically live here anyway it's just the outright gesture of it. The next step in our relationship. Meaning it's super serious. 

I want to move in with him but I know before I do he actually has to know everything. I don't want him to be in too deep, no I don't want to be in too deep and then he finds out the truth and leaves. 

I mean I wouldn't blame him. This is something most people would consider a a deal breaker. 

"I want to." I say and he cocks an eyebrow, "But?"

I sigh heading over to the couch, "Can we talk first?" He reluctantly nods before sitting beside me. 

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