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Laying on the couch I start to sketch the dress. 

I took pictures of the three dresses as inspiration, using my favorite parts of each to create my own unique dress. 

Cole said he had to get something but that he would be back later. 

With the end of a pencil in my mouth I think of the sleeves I want. I think I am going with lace. 

I start to draw the lace on the girls arms. 

Half way through drawing the skirt the door opens. 

"Close your eyes." Cole calls from the front door. I do as I am told, closing my eyes. 

"They're closed." I call out. 

The couch dips beside me and the smell of cinnamon hits my senses. 

"Is it a surprise?" I ask then gasp, "Are you naked?" I can hear him chuckle. 

"It is a surprise, no I am not naked." He says and I frown.


"Trust me shortcake you'll love the surprise."

I feel him move and then place something in my lap. 

It's furry and...alive. 

"Open your eyes." He says and I do. 

The moment my eyes meet whats in my hand I start to freak out. 

A small puppy sits in my arms. She has blue eyes and grey fur. 

"Oh my gosh, Cole." I say petting the dog. "Can we keep it?" I ask and he laughs. 

"Well since she's a present for you, yeah you can keep it." I look between the dog and him. 

Leaning over I kiss him on the lips, "Thank you, I love her." I say. 

We had talked about getting a dog. Since he is moving and I would be alone here, he thought a dog would be good company. 

As would I, plus I have always wanted a dog. 

"She's an Australian shepherd." He says and it just makes me love him more. He knew I had always loved Australian shepherds. 

I look over to him, "Does she have a name?" I ask and he shakes his head, "Not yet, it's up to you."

I look down at the dog, "I'm thinking....Daisy." I say and Cole nods in approval.

He goes back to his car to get all the dog stuff he bought. Turns out Daisy was a rescue he found at the shelter. 

I love her already. 

We feed her some food before Cole goes to make dinner for us. 

I sit at the counter sketching my dress. 

"How is your dress coming?" He asks and I show him the sketch, "Good, I start putting together the bridesmaid dresses tomorrow." I say. 

The other day I finally got the fabric in that I needed. I had to order it specifically since I couldn't find the exact shade I wanted at the store in town. 

A good thing about this is I already know all of their sizes. I have made Bailey and Jasmine numerous dresses so I had the sizes marked down. 

I had Georgies from when I made her that shirt and Amber from when she asked me to make her, her prom dress. 

Which I have already started. 

It's a deep purple sparkly strapless dress. 

Cole hands me a plate and we eat while discussing wedding plans. 

"I was thinking you guys should wear lavender ties to match the bridesmaids." I mention and Cole nods. 

"Kai's going to have a fit, he hates purple."

"What does he have against purple?" I ask and Cole shrugs, "It's going to be a battle getting him to wear a purple tie."

I roll my eyes, "He'll do it or I'll cry." I say and Cole laughs, "I am sure he would rather suck it up than have you cry."

As he should. 

After dinner I take Daisy out for a walk before we go upstairs. 

I set Daisy between Cole and I before we go to sleep. 

The next day I send Bailey a video of Daisy, and she responds with heart eye emojis. 

Cole heads out to meet the band and I open the day starting the bridesmaid dresses. 

I unfold the fabric and begin to iron them out. 

Daisy lays on the floor beside me, and I reach down to pet her. 

My phone rings and I see it's Bailey. 

Answering I hear her voice in my ear. 

"I can't believe he got you a dog." She says and I look down at Daisy as I start to pin the fabric. My phone is wedged between my ear and my shoulder. 

"Me neither, I know we talked about it but I was so surprised." I say. 

"Ugh you are living a freaking fairy tale Dee." She says dreamy. 

I laugh, "Says the girl dating her childhood crush."

"Speaking of Noah, did you know he has a beauty mark on his ass. His right cheek to be exact." I fake gag into the phone, "I don't want to hear about your boyfriends butt Bee."

"What? It's news I swear he didnt have it before. Can you get beauty marks as you age?" She asks. 

"I don't know Bee." I respond and I just know she's rolling her eyes. 

"Oh and he got a tattoo." 

"Really of what?"

She hesitates which raises my curiosity, "Bee of what?"

"My name." I gasp, "He did not. You know they say never to do that."

She snorts, "That's incase you and your significant other break up. Noah and I arent breaking up he can't get rid of me. He is stuck with me foreva." She says and I chuckle. 

"I think he knows that."

"Oh and I may have gotten a tattoo of his name." She whispers. 

I shriek, "Bailey where? Where did you get it?" I ask. 

"I got mine on my hip and he got his on the side of his ribs." She says. 

"Is it in cursive?" I tease. 

"Yeah." She admits. 

We talk a little more as I work on her dress. 

"Your dress should be done by tonight by the way." I tell her. 

"Oooo send me a picture when you finish it." She says and I agree. 

Eventually we get off the phone and my full attention is on the dress. 

At about eight o'clock I finish the dress. 

One down, three to go.

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