9-The Kiss

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"Wake up." Someone says pushing my shoulder. I grumble turning over. 

I feel my shoulder shake again, "Wake up." They say louder and I open my eyes. 

Jasmine stands over me a nervous look on her face. 

"What?" I ask and she bites her lip nervously, "Get up I need to tell you something."

Getting up I go to the bathrooms and shower before changing into a pair of jean shorts and a sweater. 

Sitting back on my bed, Jasmine sits on hers rocking back and forth. 

"You ok?" She shakes her head, "I did something stupid, like on the extreme side of stupid. I don't even know what happened to me."

"What did you do?" I ask and she puts her head in her hands, "IkmsdLus." She mumbles and I laugh.

"What?" She removes her head from her hands, "I kissed Louis ok!" I full on laugh now and she frowns. 

"You kissed your TA?" I ask and she nods, "Among other things."

My eyes widen , "You didn't." She nods looking down at the ground, "I did. I did and it was stupid and I can't believe I did it-"

"Wait how did it happen?" I ask intrigued.

This is some kind of enemies to lovers real life moment. 

"Well he got upset I was yelling at him in private so we went upstairs to hash it out. Then out of no where he kissed me. Like reaalllyyy kissed me. Next thing I knew I was kissing him back and then we were on the bed, then our clothes were off." She says exasperated.

"What happened after?"

She sighs, "I panicked and left."

"Do you like him?" I ask and she shrugs, "I've never given it much thought. I mean he is good looking there is no denying that but I've spent most of my year hating him."

"So it was just a one time thing?" She shrugs again, "I don't know, I mean it was good. I would be down if he wanted to do it again."

I nod and she slips off the bed, "Anyways I gotta go, Kai is waiting for me at the cafe."

Furrowing my brows I stand, "Kai? I thought you guys agreed it was a one time?"

She nods slipping into her shoes, "Yeah but he's actually pretty cool to hang out with."

Jasmine leaves and I lay down on my bed. 

Caleb had sent me pictures earlier of this dessert he made telling me he's going to make it when he visits me during break. 

I miss him. 

My phone rings and I answer it without looking at the caller ID. 

"Hello?" I say and I hear shuffling, "Hey shortcake."

I smile, "What's up kidnapper?"

He chuckles, "What are you up to today?"

"Oh I have such a full day first I am going to watch some criminal minds, and then plot twist I am going to watch more."

"Hmm that does seem like a full day, do you think you can squeeze dinner at the diner in?" He asks. 

Oooo is he inviting me for dinner? Fancy.

"I guess I could squeeze it in, what time?"

"Six. See you then?" 


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