36-Strawberry Delight

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Cole's text was super cryptic. 'Kai is picking you up in thirty minutes.'

No explanation about why or what is going on. I tried to ask him in another text but he never responded. 

Deciding I better get ready for whatever he has planned I go through the dresser. I put on a light brow long sleeve shirt that ties in the front, pairing it with white jeans. Then I slip on my Doc Martens. 

I don't have time to mess with my hair so I just run my brush through it. 

I am so nervous not knowing what's going to happen. Is he finally going to kidnap me?

Frick I should've worn my good jeans. 

I don't have time to fret because Kai texts me letting me know he's outside. 

Oh gosh why am I so nervous? Probably because you don't know what's going on.

Yeah probably. 

Grabbing my things I head out of the apartment and get into Kai's car. 

"Where are we going?" I ask him and he shrugs as if he doesn't know where he's taking me.

Uh ok. 

"Are you guys going to sell my organs on the black market? Not very cool of ya'll." 

He still doesn't say anything. 

I am definitely leaning towards kidnapping. Oh no I literally got into the car. It's like those videos where they get into the car willingly and get kidnapped, yep that's me. 

We pull up at some building I have never been to before. Is this where they're going to keep me hostage?

Kai gets out and gestures for me to follow. Slowly I get out of the car, following him to the building. 

When we get inside I am shocked. A bunch of people are here and I realize by the name on the drums on stage that it's their concert. 

Well why the frickin frack didn't Cole just tell me he was having a concert. I could've at least done my hair. 

Kai disappears probably to get ready. 

I fiddle with the bracelet on my wrist nervously. He had to have been all secretive for a reason. 

"God I can't wait to see Cole." A girl says from the left of me. I turn to see three girls and yep they are definitely fan girling over my Cole. 

"I know, I got the VIP passes for after. He's so going to take me home tonight." Another one says. The green ugly monster is brewing deep inside me right now. 

"Trust me he won't." I mutter but I guess it's louder than I thought cause the girls turn their attention to me. 


"And who are you?" The blonde asks, folding her arms in front of her body. If I say boyfriend does that come off too clingy or cringy? 

I don't want to be one of those possessive girlfriends but still. 

"I'm Cole's girlfriend, the girl he will be taking home tonight." Oh gosh did I really just say that? 

The three girls laugh, "Sure." The blonde says rolling her eyes. 

I'm just gonna take a page out of Bailey's playbook. Ignore them because they aren't worth your breath. Well until of course that girl touched her boyfriend then she punched her in the face.

Cole and the band appear on stage and the three girls squeal so loudly I think I've gone deaf. 

"How is everyone doing tonight?" Cole asks, just like he does every show. Everyone goes crazy in the audience. 

His eyes search the crowd until they fall on me. He winks, mouthing 'I love you'.

My heart speeds up like it does every time I see this man. It feels like someone is playing drums against my rib cage

'I love you too.' I mouth back. 

"This first song is actually something new-" Cole says, "-River helped me write it for someone close and special to me. It's called Strawberry Delight, written for my favorite red head. Love you shortcake."

Ok so like major swoon. 

I look over to the three girls who look at me slack jawed. Ha. 

Oh gosh.

The song starts and I immediately fall in love with it. No one has ever done something so special for me. I know I said that back when he performed one direction for me, but this feels so much more personal. 

I am in tears. Luckily I didn't have time to put on makeup because I am sure it would be running down my face. 

As the song goes on I get lost in the lyrics. Gosh why does this man have to be so perfect?

The song finishes and they go into their next one. 

After everything is done, I meet Cole in the back. He doesn't have time to register what is going on before I run up to him. Jumping and wrapping my arms around his neck. He stumbles back slightly wrapping his arms around my waist, and I wrap my legs around his hips. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I chant into the crook of his neck. 

He laughs, "You liked it? I wasn't sure if you would or if you'd think its cheesy."

It's my turn to laugh, "It's cheesy but its perfect. I love it. I love you. I love everything." My face hurts from smiling so hard. 

Next thing I know we're kissing and it's heaven. 

"Do you want to get out of here?" I ask and Cole raises an eyebrow, "And do what?"

I smile wickedly before leaning towards his ear then I lick his earlobe. 

Who even am I anymore really?

He shudders gripping my waist tighter, "I think I like the sound of that."

Then we are in his car headed home. 

Life is crazy I mean I just said home. We live together. Can you believe it?

We stumble into the apartment my shirt already discarded on the floor. 

"You're not wearing a bra." Cole says and I nod. It would've looked weird with a bra. 

He sets me down on the couch, pulling his own shirt over his head before coming to hover over me. 

Just as he begins to kiss down my jaw his phone rings. 

"Just ignore it." I whisper and he does kissing down my neck as my hands find their way to his hair. 

He kisses the swell of my breast and then-

Then it rings again. 

Cole groans sitting up and pulling his phone out of his jeans. 

"Oh shit." He breathes out. I don't have time to ask who it is before he answers it. 

He stands, "Yes this is he" 

"Really?" He asks a smile on his face. "Yeah I will let them know."

"Thank you so much." He ends the call and I stand, "What was it?" 

He's still looking down at his phone, "Cole what was it?"

Then he looks back up at me a wide grin splitting across his face.

"We got signed." He says and I feel his happiness radiate into me. "You guys got signed?"

He nods and I squeal, Cole picks me up twirling me around, "We're finally doing it baby." He says and I couldn't be more happy for him. 

"So what does it all mean?" I ask once he sets me down. I slip on his shirt that he had discarded on the floor. 

"Well we have to sit down and go through all the contract stuff but it looks good babe." I smile at him. 

He's getting signed. 

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