March 9th

12 0 0

Enjoy ;)


The day I receive another spark.

But this time, the spark is bigger and better.

Before I start, I would just like to say, this is a good Monday for me and I could never ask for a better day.

Now.. Where was I? Oh yes..

I ran into my house garage as it was raining. Not really bad but it's been raining all day. Rain has something that makes you feel sad and depressed. It's not a good feeling at all.

I press the large gray button to close the garage door and I wipe my Harley Quinn converse high tops on the mat in front of the house door. I walk in to find my mom relaxing on the recliner. Wonderful. So I had to go to school and suffer while she got to stay home and relax and do nothing at all whatsoever. Amazing.

I drop my backpack on the floor in front of our second couch to take off my shoes. I take a seat, staring at my khaki pants to find a gray mark on one of the pant leg. Yay, my pencil made a mark on my pants.

I run upstairs ,after I reflected on the day to myself, to change into my house clothes. Sort of like a normal t-shirt and basketball shorts. I would walk around the house pant less with a t-shirt and my underwear but it's actually really cold.

I make my way to the kitchen to make me some food and my mom calls something out. "How was school?"

I close the microwave and let out a huff, thinking of what to tell her. I've never really talk to my parents about my serious stuff going through my life. It's kinda frustrating that I made myself try not to tell them anything but I remind myself that it's even more frustrating to have them tell your whole family.

I walk out of the kitchen and take a seat on one of the couches. Preferably, the couch I put my backpack in front of. I couldn't think of something to say so I just tell her what I always do. "It was good" or "It was tiring". If I'm really tired I'll say it was good, and if there was a lot of drama with teachers I'll say it was tiring. Then, I'm rant on to my mom about how one of the teachers acted. It's changed into a routine now. Okay, it's kinda sad to put it that way but I think you get my point. I heard the beeping of the microwave and force myself to get up after I've gotten so comfortable.

"Have any homework?" My mom asks as I walk back out with my food in hand. I groan and nod. "What do you have?" She says.

"I think English and prepare for my Spanish presentation" I say and spoon some pasta into my mouth. It was leftovers from yesterday.

"Ok" she said, "relax for awhile then start working soon" Thank god. I'm glad my moms like that. She knows if I work to much I won't be able to do anything else. She knows my stress capacity.

After sometime filling my stomach and watching television, I hear a familiar text tone of mine. It was Marcy's. I open my phone and read her message.

I'm stuck here listening to Jason and his friends talk about girls and friends

I laugh and think of how awkward that must be. I text back and notice the time it is. 4:08 PM. Crap I need to start working. I unzip my backpack for the first time getting home and take out all my homework that's due tomorrow. Luckily, the pile is short today.

I start to work on my English homework and surprisingly, I get done about 6 o'clock. My dad's home by now. I lay down on my back on my usual spot on the carpet. I open my phone and see Marcy texted me. It wasn't a usual small text. Instead, it was a long, long paragraph. Like, freakishly long. She never texts me long paragraphs unless something's wrong. I start reading the paragraph.

Jason was saying ..

Huh I guess that's why it's a long text. I smile to myself after I finish reading the text.

Jason was saying that when he texts a girl they know who he is and that he texts how he talks and then they started talking about a girl but they never mentioned her name and they said that she was kinda cute and that Jason doesn't really talk to her but he considered her his friend and that they were all ok with but the whole point is that she was cute and I want to know who it is

My mind goes back to the first moment I talked to Jason when I read "he considered her his friend". I traveled back to the time I told him I liked him. It wasn't an emotional thing anymore. I'm totally fine with it now. And by emotional, I mean sad.

When Jason told me he didn't like me, I asked him if we could still be friends. By my surprise, he actually said sure. I laugh at the thought of how stupid I was or must of sounded. I then process the information in my mind connecting to what Marcy said and I start freaking out.

Maybe there is a chance.


I'm sorry about this small chapter.. I'll make up for it!! Maybe.. I don't know. My heads been somewhere else recently and idk idk

Anyways love you and stay safe beauties
Haely <3 (thanks for 500 reads!)

PS I'm sorry for a late update!! I thought I haven't finished writing it but I moved on to another chapter and finished that. I didn't realize i finished this one! Sorry again!

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