School pictures

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I love our principal. Such a great man. Not.

He has absolutely great planning. But, I'm kinda glad we get to wear free dress for class pictures. I hate coordinating our uniforms with our class. It makes us look like.. I don't even know. I guess I've done it for most of my life I hate it. I hate it even more that I have to stand in the front because it's sorted from tallest to shortest. Of course, I'm one of the shortest in my class. Grade too.

My family says I'm really tall. Hmm. I don't like to think my family is really short so I'll just have to go with they're lying to me. Let's hope no one finds that out.

Our teachers tell us to line up from tallest to shortest and I've memorized the exact spot I go in. Not exactly last but not in the middle either. Maybe behind five short people. To be exact.

I wore the wrong shirt today too. As you can see, it's not an amazing day for me so far. My shirt is v-neck and its a little big. In result, it sinks down a bit too much so I always have to lift it up to make sure I'm not showing any cleavage. Nobody needs to see that. Nope. No one. I don't think no one wants to see anyways. Okay wrong image... Let's just forget that all.

I'm kinda of nervous about picture day. My grade and the grade older is down stairs together. Most likely my grade goes first since we're younger. You know, youngest goes first. I mean if I'm awkward around people my age I'll definitely be worse with people older. I am absolutely sure they'll be staring too. I'm just lucky today aren't I?

The front lobby people come up to the big group and have to practically yell to make us shut up. I don't blame them. I would want some of these people to shut their mouths. I cannot take them.

My grade lines up next to the bleachers set up; tallest to shortest of course. One of the teachers say something and I'm basically red as my shoes.

"Jason, please be quiet or I'm going have to mark your card" Mrs. Shellman said and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to not smile or laugh. About marking the cards, yeah our school does this thing where if we get a certain amount of marks we get something bad. It's really not that bad. You just get lunch away from the cafeteria. Maybe if there's an exceeded amount of marks they'll have you go to detention or something. Not quite sure because uh, I just get a few marks a year.

Amy stands next to me and I know she must feel weird. Maybe seeing me blush like crazy or be between people that are in my class and not hers. Who knows! But every picture day, Amy and I fight over who's taller. So far, we've gotten no where.

"Mr. Bale," Amy exclaims and our teacher turns towards us. "Who's taller?" She asks and we turn back to back. I mentally hope I am and Mr. Bale hesitates for a moment before telling us.

"Heathers taller. Sorry Amy" He says and I jump up thanking him. We both laugh but Amy stands there frowning.

"Aw don't worry" I assure her and give her a wink. Her lips couldn't help but form into a smile. She always smiles or laughs when I wink. I kind of wink too much but I sometimes wink at her just to see her smile.

The photographer allows us to get on the bleachers and guides us how and where to stand. I wanted to at least get on the second row rather than the first row but I guess I didn't grow tall enough. Amy either.

My eyes glance at Jason's direction and I find his back turned towards me. I felt my insides drop like me on the roller coaster going over the hill. Why is it doing that? I have to force myself to smile to hide the frustration and sudden sadness.

The girl takes the picture which was a panoramic and we all go sit against the wall waiting for our present hour teachers.

Jason's grade lines up like we did and of course, Jason is like one of the tallest there. Why- or how- could I like such a tall person? Maybe because he'd be a great cuddling with. What? I'm just stating the obvious.

The photographer counts the usual three and Jason and one of his friends start laughing. I couldn't help but laugh myself. Smiles are contagious. That's why I love them.

Jason and his friend finally become serious. I notice the teachers' faces relax and show relief. The girl gets ready to takes another picture and Jason presents a handsome smile.

Oh his smile. How could it be so.. Indescribable?


Sorry this is so short. I just wanted to update for y'all since I haven't in awhile. I've been held up in school a lot recently and I never have the time to write.

Plus this week is spring break for me so maybe other updates for my other books??

-Haely <3

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