Different Worlds

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Enjoy :)


Ever since Jason got back, I haven't really.. I don't know. It's kind of different know. There's this space between us like we never knew each other.

The weird part is that it's not bothering me in any sort of way. I kind of like it like this.

He's in his own little world and I'm in mine. Without each other. I think with the week without seeing him, I've been able to reach the ground.

I've been able to step back and see how much crazy I am. Now I'm able to see how much the week without him has changed me. It has changed my whole perspective. I'm able to breathe freely without him holding my thoughts back.

I feel like I'm able to enjoy my life like it was before I first saw him. My life is almost amazing now. I feel like my body is clearing out. Those chains holding me back are broken finally.

I realized how I've changed. I want to do things. I want to smile. I want to interact. I want live.

The only thing I don't want is him to ruin these things for me. He's already did a lot and I don't want another cycle of it.

Since my life is so much better and still repairing, I'm afraid of dying right now. My life is getting so much better and I don't want it to end.

I'm actually realizing how blind I was. Everything I did was about him. Everything. Now I want nothing to do with him.

Well yeah, there's this small piece of me but my body is still repairing.

I have so many things to look forward to now.

I look forward in helping people who possibly went through what I did. I look forward on smiling. I look forward on laughing. I look forward on talking. Most of all, I look forward on making people happy.

Making people happy is something special to me. I don't want them to go through something painful like I did. I want them to be able to live their perfect life without any mishaps.

The last thing I want is for people to not be happy. Pain is something indescribable. Pain is something you have to bear with. Pain is something scary. Whether it ends in a minute, an hour, a day, or a year. It's unpredictable. Pain is something you can't explain to other people so they can't help you, truthfully. Pain is something you have to go through on your own.

Honestly with what I went through for the past year, I think I could go through anything, do anything, and be anything who I want to be.

I experienced a whole book with him, and now it's time for me to experience my own book. Write my own book. The one that doesn't include him because

It's my world.

Not his.

We're in different worlds.

We are different worlds.


Yay! So I'm unsure if this is the ending because idk. But yeah... I'll update yall more on that soon :)
Btw I'm SO sorry for updating this wayyy later than my fanfic Choices. I usually update them at the same time but I forgot to update this! Happy Wednesday!
~Haely <3

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