A New Start

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Heathers POV

I took a deep breath of the air when I opened the front door to the school. It was the first day and I'm quite nervous. I'm actually shaking, not gonna lie.

At least I have Amy beside me. Talking to her helps all the nerves go away.

I'm just gonna put this out there.

First days suck.

Yeah, I think it's true for all of us. People ask me if I was excited for school and I lied saying yes.

I grew closer to Angie, Izzy, and surprisingly Abigail during summer. Somehow we became close friends and that's just how it happened.

I sat down at our usual table in the cafeteria for breakfast with Abigail and Amy. I'm hoping not to see Jason in the cafeteria. I'm not ready to see him at all.

We sorta stayed in touch on Snapchat, barely in touch. Key word: "barely"

I walked next to Amy in the hallways doing upstairs. Haven't seen Jason yet, thank goodness.

I took a deep breath right at the start of the stairs. I stepped and could feel my legs shaking. At the very too of the stairs I took another deep breath and walked through the door.

I slid my rolled up sleeves down to my hands and my hair dropped to my face. I could feel everyone staring, but Amy's appearance felt like I was safe. Like she protected me, like she was a shield.

Right when I walked in, Jason was sitting right there on the ground with his book open, right next to a couple of his friends.

I let Amy walk on front and lead to where we sit. I kept my head down the whole time. I took my book out and opened it in my lap. I tugged on my sleeves once again and covered my face while I read.

I didn't want to read, of course, but it helped me get my mind off things. Also my book was quite interesting so that's a plus.

We were dismissed to homeroom and I greet a few friends.

The rest of the day went pretty well. My homeroom was late for 2nd period though because of the stupid clock. That's a great start for the first day.

Jason and I meet eyes during the switching of classes but that was mostly it. I usually look away and talk to Izzy or Marcy.

Besides everything, I'd say the first day of the new school year went well. I can't wait to see how this new start is going to end.


Sorry for a short chapter. I'm having writers block, but go check out my other books if u want :-)

I have 2 chapters waiting for this book so you'll get an update soon 😝

Haely <3

Btw thanks guys for the 220+ reads! Y'all are awesome

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