Later in Life~ Summertime

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Heathers POV

It's finally summer and in glad I get a nice break from so much drama going on. I've noticed that the new girls be best friends with the divas and that's when they start all this drama for attention. I absolutely hate attention seekers.

To be honest I usually lose interest of the crush I have the latest school year. But I guess that didn't happen this year because I still have feelings for Jason. I've been noticing some signs that Jason likes me but it's isn't, how do you put this, it isn't out there if you know what I mean. There are no true signs. All I need is a sentence, a paragraph, a essay, or a 10 page letter. Whatever it's takes for Jason to tell me his feelings.

Sometimes I have doubts that Jason has no feelings for me what so ever. The doubts are probably true but I'm trying to stay positive. I'm literally a wreck emotionally, in and out. My outer shell is the happy me that enjoys life and is trying to find talents that I'm capable of. The inner shell is just pain and sadness fighting it's way to come out, to show.

Every once in awhile the inner shell shows. My thoughts quickly change to happy rainbows and unicorns to pain and darkness. My body deflates every time and slowly breaks down. But my outer shell, I try to keep the power of it to fight off the sadness.

Every school year changes. It changes me, my friends, my thoughts, worse of all, my life of course. The school year changes my life's point of view everything!

Isabel (Izzy) POV

This summer I've been hanging out with Heather. You know we kinda ended up keeping in touch with Abigail somehow. She cusses way too much!! Every other word is a bad word. If she's not cussing she's rambling about Jason, or about how life sucks.

I mean we know life sucks!! Life has it's pros and cons. You can't just have a life full of pros or a life full of cons. It has to have its balance. Like light and darkness.

I'm so glad school is over because during math class all you hear is Abigail saying "Jason" all the freaking time! Literally, all you would hear her say is "Jason,Jason,Jason". Or you would her say "Jason this or Jason that".

I heard that even her best friend Michelle is starting to get annoyed with Abigail. Michelle doesn't know how to say it. They have been friends for a long time. Michelle doesn't know how to tell Abigail that she's annoying.

I asked Heather this week that if she still likes Jason or not (OR NAW). She replied with a yes. Heather has been looking happy. I mean she fangirls with me. That's better than talking about Jason 24/7, which she doesn't do. THANK THE LORD.

Heathers POV

I've been talking to Kaitlyn recently and I told her about Jason and stuff since she asked. I told her about the signs and everything. Everyday I look back at how the school year has been a roller coaster. It's goes up but goes down when you least expect it. It's amazing how I conquered do many obstacles and challenges.

I wake up to that awesome feeling of knowing that I live every day and every minutes like it's my last. I always wake up to that feeling of having Jason contact me one day. But every time I check my phone it ends up blank and showing me nothing. Just a blank black screen.

For some reason I have a feeling.....


I'll leave y'all a cliffhanger tonight. ;) plus, IM HAPPY I FINALLY UPDATED. it's been forever probably. Thanks everyone for reading this far. As a update more, if this gets 250-450 reads I'll post the reason behind this story :D every story has it's reason why it's written and mine.

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