Post Hallway Depression

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Is Post Hallway Depression a thing?

Well it is for me.

I struggle through it about everyday I walk in the halls and it's a specific hallway too.

Shall we go on with the beautiful flashback. Well, I'll tour you through it. I'd be glad to, actually.

Get comfortable and follow me.

I'll start off with an introduction of the background behind the setting. Most of my classes are on the upstairs level of the prison, known as school. Two grades occupy the upstairs, my grade and Jason's grade. The cafeteria is downstairs so we have to take a long trip downstairs and walk to the cafeteria.

My homeroom teacher dismisses our class and I make my way down the hallway with Marcy next to me. As we reach the stairs, Jason's homeroom gets dismissed. Our classes gets grouped together as we make our way down the stairs.

Jason ends up walking down the stairs next to me. I could feel my breaths quicken and my heart beating harder. Since our stairway is kinda narrow, it's fit for two people to walk side by side. I could almost touch hands with him. I started biting my lip and getting self conscious.

As we get to the bottom of the stairway, I started to walk quickly so I don't have to walk next to him anymore. My mind told me to walk away but my heart wanted to grab his hand and never let go. I passed some other people as i rushed out of the stairways. I push open the door at the end of the stairs wide enough for the next person, possibly Jason, to walk through. I make my way to the irrelevant double doors in the hallway and guide it open so the person in front me doesn't have to.

Jason hurries forward with his group of friends and I'm probably Ms. Little Red Cheeks by now. Marcy comes up from behind me and starts giggling. I smile wide and she starts to explain what just happen because I have no clue. I tried to process the current event that jut happened. My breathing was currently deep and I forced my self not to fall due to my shaky legs.

"Jason was so close to me! Like I could feel his breath on me. That's how close he was" Marcy says and we both started giggling. Noticing my palms were sweaty, I brush them on my shorts.

We walked in the cafeteria together and made our way to the usual table. Meeting some other friends that walked before us and some that were walking behind us.

- - -

The next day while Marcy and I were walking to English, our only class downstairs, she told me about what happened still.

Apparently I almost touched hands with Jason twice. Twice. Once at the stairway door and another time at the irrelevant door in the hallway. I call the door irrelevant because it's in the middle of the hallway, literally. It's a waste of our schools money but whatever.

Right then I felt a drop in my body. It was like one of those feelings when you're at the top of the roller coaster and you just went down a hill.

Now every time I walk to those doors and touch them I can't help myself but think of him.

If only we touched hands.


Ok so I know this is bad and short but I wanted to update cuz I haven't in a looonnnnggggg timeee.

And since it's Christmas... MERRY CHRISTMAS. Hope you all had a good one :))

Haely <3

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