Winter Break

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Heathers POV

"Have a nice winter break Heather", all my friends said to me as I left the prison, school. A couple weeks ago I found Jason on Instagram. His pictures attracted me even more.

For the break I'm staying at my uncles house with my cousin. We usually stay an all nighter.

~~~ 2 days after ~~~

I've been so bored I have no idea what's going on. Everyday the love for him gets stronger.

I needed to talk to someone. So I messaged a close friend, not Marcy, Angie, Izzy, or Amy. It was someone from my school the same grade as Jason, a year older than me.

She understood everything I have told her. She gave me advice also. She told me to just say a simple hello to him on a messenger, named Kik. Now we tell each other stories and share mostly everything.

It was hard to even sleep at 3 in the morning. But eventually I did.

~~~~~ Morning ~~~~~

I wake up to check my phone. In the notifications I see a reply from Jason. I smiled to myself. I answer back and have a convo with him. It was pretty awkward.

Lets just hope for the best to happen, I thought.

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