
4 1 0

The first time I saw him was after lunch,

The halls were screaming with all kinds of voices.

I never knew, never acknowledged him

But when I saw him I knew that it'd drive me crazy.

I only had to see him once,

And I already felt attracted to him like a magnet.

It's nice to have someone new to see,

It was like a shiny diamond in a jewelry store.

I look forward to see those beautiful brown eyes,

To see that bright smile, to hear his unfamiliar laugh.

Nothing had hit me then.

I didn't expect to be punched in the face,

There was no pain physically,

Only mentally. He ran around my mind

And it tires me out. I only saw him once,

Why did it have to be this painful?

Last written 5/5/15
happy wednesday!!
Not a fan of the new wattpad update.. It screws me up when i want to write stuff and update and yeah
New update next week!
-Haely <3

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