Dreaming Once Again

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Hey so the dream will be in italics and the real life will be normal text so yeah... Enjoy :)


I laid my head down on my pillow covered with a white pillow case. I pulled the brown fluffy blanket over me and curled my legs closer. I focused on a dim light coming from another room in the hallway and the breathing of my cousin sleeping next to me. I flipped over to my side and tucked my left hand under the pillow. Then I brushed the fallen pieces of hair away.

I laid there while my breathing and heart beat slowed down to a normal rate. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I sat in the backseat of a yellow Jeep. All I saw was the right side of the hood from the view inside. A mother and a son sat in the front seat.

"How was school?" The mom asks and I turn my head to the son. He turns his head to face his mom and I could tell who it was by their profile.

My eyes opened wide and a jolt of electricity shot through me. I looked around the room seeing it was still dark. I guess I didn't sleep too long since no lights were on. My uncle usually wakes up at 4 am and I slept at 3:30. I couldn't have slept long.

I readjust the blanket and flip over on my other side where I'm facing my cousin. I remove the blanket off one leg and left the other still covered. I gripped the blanket and closed my eyes once more.

Now the location changed, I was in Izzy's mom's car. I sat in the backseat behind Izzy's mother where I can see Izzy in the passengers seat. We were leaving her house to go to a casual function, I'm not sure what. I wore my converse and slightly torn jeans. Underneath my somewhat oversized jacket that I borrowed from Izzy, I wore my favorite pink Guy Harvey shirt that was comfortable. I pulled up the sleeves of the jacket up to my elbows.

"Where are we going?" Izzy asks her mother and I pull out my phone to see what time it is. Also to pass the awkwardness building in the space in the car.

"Jason's mom called me and asked if I could bring him to the event we're going to." I raised my head in the mention of Jason's name. My eyes met Izzy's and I had a feeling of what her mom would say next. Izzy nervously coughed and tried to keep a smirk to herself.

"I politely said yes. So before we go to the event, I'm-" Izzy's mom pauses.

"We're" She corrects herself " going to pick him up and take him. Then drop him back off"

"Ok" Izzy nods and shifts in her seat a little. She noticed my uncomfortableness and gives me a reassuring look.

"Are you okay with picking him up?" She asks and I smile then nod.

"Yeah" I make out in a rather quieter tone then I wanted.

"You sure?" Izzy's mom asks because I know how she is. She doesn't want any of her quests to feel uncomfortable.

"Of course" I say calmly with a normal tone now. I brush my hair out of my face and Izzy's mom hands Izzy her phone.

"Here are the directions to his house. Tell me what street I turn on and stuff" She says and Izzy takes the phone.

The whole ride to the house Izzy and her mom made small talk between themselves with the faint noise of the radio. My hands grew cold and my legs started shaking due to anticipation and nerves racking through my body as we got closer to the neighborhood.

The car stops in front of house, which indicates to be Jason's as Izzy's mom had said. I release a deep breath of relief thanking that all the nerves were gone. They all returned when I realized that he would be siting next to me. Next. To. Me.

"I'll be right back" Izzy's mother states. I bite my lip hard, possibly drawing blood, and I grip my leg, clawing through my jeans.

She steps out of the car and closes the door behind her. She makes her way to the doorway of the large, beautiful house and rings the doorbell.

Izzy faces me with her eyes widen. She mouths "Wtf" to me and I shrug.

"How does she have his moms phone number?!" She says rather loudly.

"I don't know. Don't ask me" I say calmly and shrug again, pulling on my shirt. She sighs and shakes her head for the millionth time in 5 minutes.

"What even is this event again?" I ask using my fingers to make quotation marks on the word event.

"It's at school" Izzy shrugs and I chuckle sarcastically.

"Hah no wonder!" I say and we burst into laughter.

The drivers door and the door of the seat next to me opens. Our smiles fades and our bodies tense. The doors close as they got in and I pull my sleeves nervously down.

"Have you met these girls before?" Izzy's mom asks in her lovely sweet voice.

"I've seen them around in school actually just never talked to them" He says back and I could notice a little smile on his face in the corner of my eye.

So you've seen us but never came and talked to us, I think to myself but don't say out loud. I think Izzy and I were both thinking the same thing because we shared a look then started laugh.

"Did I miss anything?" Her mom asks and we laugh harder. Izzy shakes her head no. We stop at a traffic light as we both calm down.

"Well don't treat the guest like that, say hi!" Izzy's mom demands. Izzy turns backwards a little and says hi.

I turn towards him and is instantly breath taken. My eyes and nose took every bit of him and examined it. He wore a turquoise pull over with his khaki shorts and neon lime green Nikes. I finally got to get a taste of what he smells like, one of my favorite and familiar cologne. It smelled like Chanel to me. He has a smile plastered on his face and his hair was up in a slight quiff.

I get back into reality when he says hi, beaming with happiness. It's weird because I've never experience him like this before.

I could feel a slight heat creeping into my cheeks as I say hi to Jason. I smile and look down. I know he noticed me staring at him because he crept his hand a little closer to mine and smiled big.

"Oh this is my jam!" Izzy shouts and leans forward to turn up the volume of the music playing on the radio. I stick my tongue between my teeth a little and scrunch my nose. I know she's comfortable with Jason in the car now because she never does that except with close friends. Jason chuckles and my shoulders started to relax. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach when I heard him laugh in front of me, or should I say beside me, for the first time.

We made small jokes and laughter shared between all of us in the rather long car ride. We still weren't at school when the car dangerously swerved to to left and I felt Jason grip my hand.

Everything started moving in slow motion. A loud bang followed after car tires screeching on the road. The windows of the passengers side of the car shattered and Izzy and Jason was ducking their heads down. Jason tried to cover his head with his free arm, right arm, while he held onto my hand. I tried to let go so he can cover himself from the broken glass but he refused. My body banged into the door forcefully and both of our hands squeezed each other's.

My eyes opened strongly as light shined into the room through the window. I patted my body and surroundings not aware if that was real or not. I leaned to the side and turned on my phone checking the time, 11:28 AM. I sat up and controlled my breathing while brushing my hair back. That wasn't real, I told myself. Or was it?


Yay!! Another chapter! Hope you loves liked it!

Thanks so much for 360+ reads!! I love y'all so much!

I have a lot of chapters awaiting for me to finish so look out for more :))

Keep on dreamin',
Haely <3

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