Giant Teddy Bear~MakotoxReader

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When you were younger, your parents bought you a giant teddy bear. It always comforted you after a bad dream and chased away the monsters that hid away in the darkest corners of your room. It didn't take long for you to grow attached to the stuffed toy. Soon, you couldn't sleep without it. However, when you entered your second year of high school, your parents forced you to throw away your stuffed bear. They told you it would repulse boys and prevent you from making friends.

After throwing away your stuffed bear, your nightmares began to haunt you again. Soon, you couldn't sleep at all You couldn't focus in class, your bright (eye color) eyes were now dull, and the skin under your eyes was now a dark color. It didn't take long for your friends to start worrying about you, especially Makoto.

One night after school, Makoto came to your house to check on you. Your parents ushered him to your room where he found you sitting on your bed, nervously messing with your thumbs. "(First name), are you okay?" Makoto asked as he sat on the edge of your bed. You knew there was no point in lying to the gentle giant so you shook your head side to side.

"Where's your teddy bear?" He asked this time. "I thought you couldn't sleep without it."

"I can't," You replied. "My parents made me throw him away."

Makoto sighed, laid down, and pulled you into his arms. "I guess I'll just have to be your teddy bear for now." He gently pressed his lips to your forehead. "Try to get some sleep."

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