Panic Attack

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Word count: 1787

HOUSE: Gryffindor
YEAR: 5th

"And I'm even luckier to have her."

TW: panic attack, blood, Umbridge torture quill.

It is the last period of the day and the Gryffindor's have Defense Against the Dark Arts with Umbridge.

"But who would want to hurt people like you Mr. Potter?" asked Umbridge with her fake sweet voice.

"I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort?" said Harry sarcastically.

Everyone went quiet in the classroom. Professor Umbridge let out a gasp, but she quickly adjusted her clothes and said, "Those are lies, Mr. Potter. Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." said a very calm Umbridge.

Y/N couldn't take the lies anymore, especially being her brother the one who died.

"Professor Umbitch - I mean Umbridge." she quickly corrected herself and her voice started getting louder. "He was murdered! Stop being so oblivious. I don't know if you are just being plain stupid, or you think we are stupid enough to be fooled!"

Everyone was shocked. Y/N is never the one to lose control in class, and yell at a teacher. She is always the one trying to keep the peace.

"Ms. Diggory and Mr. Potter, detention all week. Ms. Diggory at 4:00 PM, and Mr. Potter at 6:00 PM." said Professor Umbridge giving a fake smile.

Class was dismissed and the quartet went back to the common room.

"Y/N, I've never seen you call out a teacher before." said Hermione as they were finishing up homework.

But, Y/N wasn't paying attention to what Hermione said, she was just staring at the clock.

"Y/N?" asked Ron.

"Y/N? Did you hear what Hermione said?" asked Harry as he waved his hand in front of her eyesight.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's time for my detention." Y/N said as she rushed out of the common room.

Y/N saw Professor Umbridge's office and gave a small knock.

"Come on in, dear." said Professor Umbridge.

Y/N walked in and saw over a hundred cat pictures, and a very pink office. She sat down on a chair, and said. "I'm sorry for yelling Professor, it's just that I'm very upset over my brother's death."

"It's ok, dear, but you still need to be punished for your behavior today." said Umbridge. "Grab my quill and start writing the following."

"But there isn't any ink." said Y/N trying to find the ink.

"You won't need it. Now write, 'I will never disrespect my Professor again."

"How many times?" asked Y/N.

"As long as it takes to sink in." replied Umbridge

Y/N started writing and noticed that her hand was bleeding.

"Keep going." said Umbridge.

Y/N was taking deep breaths and continued writing. She never felt pain like this before. Y/N is from a very loving family who always treated her like a princess. Being the youngest, they were always so careful with her. Being in this position of torture is new to Y/N. She is terrified.

After 2 hours of piercing sharp pain through her skin, Y/N was done.

"All set, see you tomorrow." said Umbridge, and gave her the most evil smile.

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