Back to the Future Part 1

911 24 165

Word count: 3248

"Y/N, do you know what year it is?"

YEAR: 5th
HOUSE: Gryffindor

AN: The story is placed in 5th year but Harry, Hermione, Ron and Y/N are all 18. I made it like that because if they were really 18, then the story would be placed after the Horcrux hunt and I want them to still be in school.

Also, before we get started I recommend you getting a lot of tissues and popcorn before reading this. Have fun.

August 1st, 1996

It's a Saturday morning and Y/N woke up early to go to Hogsmeade.

"Did you guys see Y/N today?" asked Harry at the Great Hall.

Hermione looked to the side and saw Y/N skipping with a bunch of shopping bags. "There she is."

Y/N set up all her bags on the table, "I went shopping this morning and I found the cutest thing for Harry and I."

Harry was now excited to see what it was.

Y/N took out of her bag a little black box. She opened it and said, "I got us matching necklaces. See, I have one piece of the heart and you have the other half. And when we get close" she held the two pieces closer and the magnets instantly connected, "it makes a heart."

This was the most adorable thing ever, and seeing her excitement made his heart melt.

"I know you're not really a jewelry person Harry so you don't have to wear it-" however Harry interrupted her

"No, I'm gonna wear it forever, back off." He said and put on the necklace on himself.

Y/N let out a big smile and started putting her necklace on, however she was struggling with it.

"Let me." Harry said while delicately putting the necklace on Y/N. She could feel his cold breath on her shoulder and his soft fingers touching her skin. That instantly sent her butterflies.

He turned her around and kissed her. Both could feel a small click, and when they looked down, they could see the necklaces connecting.

Y/N pulled away from the kiss and the necklaces disconnected, "I need to go to my grandpa's office for that ministry trip

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Y/N pulled away from the kiss and the necklaces disconnected, "I need to go to my grandpa's office for that ministry trip. I'm going to be searching for evidence to prove that Snuffles is innocent before his trial."

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