Back to the Future Part 2

827 26 236

Word Count: 5014

                 "See you around Professor Potter"

AN: I just want to mention that Rose, Y/N and James are all 18 and are in 5th year. I wanted to make Y/N 18 because that is the legal age. Harry still loves her and it would be weird if Y/N was a minor. Little Y/N Potter is 11 and so is little Fred. Ok, Back to the story.

After hours on the train, they finally arrived at Hogwarts. Everyone knew about what happened to Y/N. News spreads quickly there.

When she arrived, she was immediately greeted by Headmistress McGonagall and she was delighted to see Y/N again. She gave her a schedule and assigned Rose to be her dorm mate.

When she arrived at her dorm everything was so pretty and organized. Rose was already doing practice tests for her OWL's.

Like mother, like daughter.

"You really are your mother's daughter." Y/N said while setting up her stuff.

"Mom told us this is the most important year. I need to get a head start." said Rose as she flipped through the pages of her book.

Y/N had the most tiring day ever. She was exhausted and decided to go to bed.

"Hey Rose, I'm gonna go to bed ok?"

"Ok. Sure." Rose replied with her eyes glued to the textbook.

Y/N slept while Rose was studying with a faint night light.

She closed her eyes and drifted away in her dreams.

Suddenly Y/N shot up from her bed in tears.

Rose quickly went in her direction. "Hey Y/N what's wrong?"

She was crying really hard and could barely get her words through, "I'm scared if I sleep, I'll wake up 20 years into the future."

Rose hugged her and Y/N cried on her shoulder. "It's ok. I'm here for you."

Just like Hermione would do when Y/N had nightmares.

——————————the next day———————

Y/N was heading towards DADA. She was actually pretty excited to see Harry teaching the class.

She entered the class early and there he was. Looking over his lecture, very well dressed.

Y/N couldn't help but smile at how professional he looked. He's all grown up now.

Harry saw her and he let out the biggest smile. He wanted to give her the best impression ever.

"Good morning Ms. Dumbledore." said Harry with a grin.

"Well, good morning to you Mr. Potter." she replied.

Y/N was in the front row. Ready to support Harry no matter what.

All of the students walked in and sat at their assigned seats. James sat right behind Y/N, and Rose next to her.

"Welcome to a new school year. This year you have your OWL's and I need to prepare you for it. Today we will be covering the basics. How to defeat a Boggart." announced Harry to the class.

Y/N saw a lot of Remus in him. His teaching style, the way he would pace around the room and make sure he is addressing everyone the subject.

Who knew, shy, awkward Harry would turn out to be a teacher.

However, Harry was focussed on Y/N during the whole lesson. Like she was the only student in the room.

"Can anyone tell me the spell to defeat a Boggart?" Harry asked the class.

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