Girls vs Boys Quidditch

913 34 188

Word Count: 3717

HOUSE: Gryffindor
YEAR: 6th

                "No fraternizing with the enemy."

TW language, and spice.

Girls and Boys quidditch. It's a tradition that once a month, a player from each house will join teams so that girls and boys can play against each other. It happens at exactly midnight, so that none of the teachers know about this game.

————————Harry's bedroom———————

Y/N is laying on top of Harry while playing with his collar.

"You know what tomorrow is, don't you?" asked Y/N.

"I most certainly do." he replied.

Y/N stood up from her laying position and so did Harry. Now she was sitting on top of him while having both legs touching his waist.

"So you know that I'm going to be brutal with you tomorrow." she whispered in his ear.

That sent chills all over Harry's body.

"Well you know I'm not holding back either." he whispered back.

Every month when there is a boys vs girls quidditch game, Y/N and Harry are extremely competitive.

Both are the captains of their team, so they tease each other during the whole day hoping to throw the other one off their game.

No being sweet. It's game time.

Y/N moved a piece of Harry's hair away from his forehead so that she could see his scar more clearly.

While tracing her finger on his scar she said, "so you might as well enjoy sweet Y/N today." then she kissed his scar.

Harry loved it when she did that, he was excited for tomorrow.

There was a small pause and Y/N started leaving the bed, "Well, sweet Y/N is over. I need to sleep handsome, so I can beat the shit out of your team tomorrow."

"Wait we're not sleeping together?" said Harry with a sad tone. They would always sleep together before game night.

Y/N was determined to win and she needed the uttermost concentration.

"No fraternizing with the enemy." Y/N clearly stated and left Harry's dorm.

——————————-the next day-———————-

Y/N had gathered her team early in the morning.

It was decided that Y/N who is in Gryffindor would be the seeker, Cho Chang from Ravenclaw would be the chaser, Pansy Parkinson from Slytherin would be the beater, and Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff would be the keeper.

"Listen up girls!" said Y/N.

She has been planning a strategy to win all night.

Y/N was pacing around the room like a true captain with all eyes on her.

"I know every single player in the boys team. We need to focus on their weaknesses. And do you know what they are?" asked Y/N with a determined voice.

No one dared to speak up.

"Us. We are the weakness! Cho and I are dating two of the boys on the boys team, and Pansy we all know about your fling with Malfoy. So we can use that to our advantage. Lots of flirting while playing the game, and most importantly I got us these cute ass outfits that I know we will look hot as hell in."

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