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When Tian Qi woke up all patched up, she worried that Ji Heng had found out her secret but Auntie Hong was there and comforted her that her secret remains hidden. Aunt Hong came just in time to remove the arrow.

But she told Tian Qi that she must have been extraordinarily special to General Ji because he stayed with her all night, looking after Tian Qi himself.

Aunt Hong tried to convinced Tian Qi to abandon Mansion Ji but Tian Qi said not before she found out who had her parents killed.

Tian Qi also mentioned that the person who betrayed her father was still at Mansion Ji. He was Sun Cong Rui.

When Tian Qi got better, she went back to Mansion Ji. She was surprised at how popular she had become. She was being warmed welcomed by everyone. Her teacher said that was because there was a rumor that she had become a trusted personnel of the General.

In fact, the general had her old lodging cleaned up. He also had another bed put in his manor so she can use it when she stays the night with him (fanning him or watching him sleep).

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