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Shaofeng and Ji Zheng had conspired to finish off Ji Heng.

Ji Heng was in his full armour attire, ready to battle it out with Ji Zheng to stop him marrying Tian Qi.

Madam Ji gave her blessing to her son to get Tian Qi/Zhao'er.

The marriage procession was just starting when Ji Heng interrupted. Saying he was there to come for his wife. He unveiled the bride and found that it was not Tian Qi.

All the confusion turned into a farce and ended with Ji Heng stabbing Ji Zheng with his sword.

Shaofeng was so happy with the outcome. One Ji brother down, next Ji Heng.

He then ordered his minions to bring out Tian Qi.

Shaofeng put a dagger next to Tian Qi's neck. He told Ji Heng that it was either Tian Qi or him. To save Tian Qi, he had to kill himself.

Ji Heng said he will end his life that Shaofeng had to promise not to harm Tian Qi.

He then unsheathed his sword and threw it in the sky which was a signal for the lone arrow man stationed by the rood to shoot at Shaofeng.

Shaofeng was hit and then the seemingly dead Ji Zheng stood up and finished off Shaofeng with a thrust of his sword. He said that thanks to Ji Heng's supper supple leather vest, he was unharmed. The blood came from his hands which he used to hold off the blade of the sword.

They told Shaofeng that no matter what upheavals the brothers have in their personal life, they were soldiers and would work to defend their county.

When all was settled and Ji Zheng had Tian Qi in his arms, Tian Qi got annoyed to find out that they left her out of their plans. She marched out in a huff.

Ji Zheng went to see Tian Qi and told her that he was leaving to go traveling. He said that he was so glad that he had met and loved her because she brought him a lot of happiness. He said that he realised that Ji Heng will only be the one in her heart and he wishes them both well.

Ji Heng work on getting Tian Qi back. They are so cute.

Aunt Hong, knowing that Tian Qi really loved Ji Heng but really playing it cool advised Ji Heng to work at the bordello as a servant.

He then turn up one morning and started cleaning. Tian Qi was scandalised to see General Ji scrubbing the floor. He was polishing banisters, he was a waiter, serving drinks.

Ji Heng, being gorgeous, became so popular with the ladies of the brothel. They surrounded him and they were cooing and wooing over him when Tian Qi can't take it much longer. She pulled Ji Heng away from them and told them "He is mine."

Oooohhhhhh so cute.

Then they had their wedding. Ji Zheng watched secretly from the roof and was eventually happy that the two most important people in his life are now together. Oooh. Love him as well.

Now the wedding night. Ji Heng could not wait to get started.

Instead of drinking wine from two cups with their arms entwined, Ji Heng only served one cup which he said should be their routine in the future. They will be always working as one. :). Always be together.

Well the naughty bits of the wedding night. They were both naked in bed covered only with a blanket.

Tian Qi asked Ji Heng what should they do next?

Ji Heng wickedly revealed the booklet of kama sutra she gave him. So cute.

Few months later....

They were in the market when Ji Heng was accosted by a couple of females wanting to know if he was married.

The loved-up Ji Heng said yes and his beautiful wife was right behind them.

Ji Heng and Tian Qi ended up by the bridge. They could not be happier and yes then can at a stratospheric level because Tian Qi whispered that he was going to be a father.

Ji Heng was confused at first as how? She said in a few months' time they were going to have a baby.

He quickly got over his shock and hugged Tian Qi tightly and then shouted that he was going to be a father.



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