Chapter 6

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The ambulance arrived shortly after they called. I was hoisted up on a stretcher and brought into the ambulance. Ian and Anthony were allowed to come. I said no to the crew. I don't trust them.

Ian and Anthony sat on either side and held my hands. I was uncomfortable but if it helps them relax then i'll let them. I started to doze off a few times but they kept me awake. It was hard though. All I wanted to do was sleep. Why do I have to be kept awake?

When we arrived at the hospital, they took me out and rolled me inside. I stared up at the lights in the building. They were so bright. I just want to go to sleep and forget this ever happened.

I started to doze off again and Anthony shook my arm, "Come on Anna, we're almost there. Stay awake. Focus on me."

I focused on Anthony. I looked at how concerned and scared he looked. Why would he be scared?

I looked into his eyes. His hazel eyes were red. Like he was crying. I focused on those.

I felt my breathing slow. The last thing I saw were Anthony's eyes before I was consumed by darkness.

Sorry this was really short but I just wanted to let you readers know that she made it to the hospital. Let's see what happens.

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