Chapter 15

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Today is my birthday. I totally forgot.

I felt different, just like all my other birthdays. But this one was different than the others. I felt as powerful as ever. I felt the need to run, be outside in the wilderness.

Also when there is fire near by, it follows me. Same with water. It seems to gravitate towards me. The wind is rough when i'm around and the earth and grass wrap around my feet.

I felt strength. I heard my parents talk about how they were going to teach me something on my 15th birthday. What was it? Was it about this?

I shot up and ran to the bathroom. If this was like any other birthday than my eyes should glow.

I looked in the mirror and it was just how I said. My eyes were glowing gold and my pupil was small.

"No, not here. Not now."

I can't let them see this. Especially with the crew sleeping over. This is bad. Really bad.

I started pacing the ground to think of what to do.

I got up. There are woods behind the house, I could just stay in there for the day. I feel the need to be there anyway.

I pulled off my tubes. I could heal faster on my birthday. I found that out when I was 5 and I scratched my knee. It healed automaticly.

I opened the bathroom door quietly. I tiptoed to the living room, everyone was still asleep.

I walked over people. I felt light on my feet. It was weird but it helped me out.

When I put my hand on the door, Anthony asked, "What are you doing?"

I froze. Shit.

I looked at the woods. I could just run, maybe I could make it....

I went for it and sprinted out the door. I jumped over the fence and sprinted into the woods.

I heard Anthony call my name but I kept running. I was running at the speed of lighting, dodging trees and everything in my path.

When I thought I was far enough I stopped and looked around. I could see, hear, and smell everything. I could see from miles away, I could hear the birds and animals, I could smell the leaves and trees. I smiled and took everything in.

I heard my name again and looked back. I crouched down and put my hand on the ground. I closed my eyes. My mother taught me this. She said that I would be able to see everything, but to stay away from electricity when doing it.

I saw everyone at the backyard. I listened to what they were saying.

"She ran outside and jumped over the gate." Anthony was wide eyed.

"How is that possible? No organsim should be able to get over this." Sohinki said.

"I don't know. But she was fast as lightning and jumped so high."

"What?" Mari walked over to Anthony.

"I don't know! She was acting strange."

"She went this way?" Joven pointed at the woods.

Anthony nodded his head.

"Then let's go."

They all ran to the gate and opened it. They ran to the woods and ran in the direction I did.

I opened my eyes and stood up. I didn't run that far. They could find me.

I looked up at the sky. Tonight was going to be a full moon. Like all of my birthdays. But this felt different.

Who Are Your Parents? (Sequel to Adopted by Smosh?!) (2/3) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now