Chapter 20

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Ok so some chapters will be in Anthony's view and some in Anna's view from now on. So watch out for that.


POV: Anna

I ran and ran. I didn't have any sense of direction. I still knew where the house was, it will forever be a scent that I will know. But I don't need the scent, i'm never going back.

I was running behind houses. I didn't run in the woods, Anthony would know to look for me there. It is better to run close to the woods. If anyone comes by I could just jump into a bush or something.

I still don't understand something. How did Anthony find me? How did he know that it was me and not some other wolf? I don't sense anything in him. All I sense is human. Nothing supernatural.

I stopped running. I was starting to get hungry.

I walked into the woods and found some bushes. I'll stay here for the night.

I peed around it. It's digusting but I have to remeber where this is.

I then darted back where I came from. I smelled some squirrels and rabbits. I didn't have enough time to get them.

They were far back so i'll have to run a little ways. I hope they don't find me. This is a huge risk.

I was running like the wind. I felt free. Is this how a wild wolf lives?

I suddenly smelled a familiar scent and stopped.

I stood still, wide eyed. Can it be who I think it is?

I sniffed the air. I have to make sure. He could have just walked through here and i'm smelling the scent now.

But I didn't smell it before.

I heard a snap of a twig behind me and turned around. I was surprised to see an animal.

Not any animal, a wolf.

Its coat was black as night. No wonder I didn't see it.

It smelled like Anthony. It can't be possible though. Anthony isn't a wolf. He's just human.

Or is he?

No, i'm just smelling things. I would have sensed it. This could just be a wild wolf and i'm just missing Anthony so I smell him.

The wolf broke my thoughts by creeping closer. I growled at it. I have to keep my gound.

The wolf stopped moving. It stood upright. I was about to snap at it when I heard a voice in my head.


I jumped. I lost my footing and fell.

The wolf stepped closer, I quickly regained my footing.

The wolf stopped moving. I decided to try to talk to the voice that said my name. It sounded like Anthony. I may be going crazy though.


The wolf infront of me took a move and pounced at me.

It caught me off gaurd and I was pinned in seconds.

I squirmed and tried to break free. The wolf was much stronger than me.

I eventually gave up and showed my defeat.

I knew it! You are a wolf!

I was still confused, who and what said that.

"Who are you and how do you know me?"

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