Chapter 22

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So I finished this chapter before. I forgot to post it and my computer froze. I didn't save either. So when I went back to it, it was all gone. I was so mad. But laughing at the samw time at my stupidness. So sorry it's late. =)

I woke up to a sound of a game.

I opened my eyes and saw Anthony playing FoodBattle: The Game.

I sat there and watched him. He was so far into the game. I'm trying to catch up but it's hard. He plays it all the time.

He exited out of the game and I sat up.

"Morning." He said.

"Morning." I said in a stretch. "How long were you up?"

He looked at the clock, "About 20 minutes."

I nodded and looked around the room. I noticed that I wasn't in my room. Why?

Then it came to me. I was in here because I heard him crying and talking. I wanted to ask who 'they' are but didn't get the chance.

"I'm sorry for asking you this, expecially early in the morning, but last night, you said 'they' don't understand. I thought I was the only one."

He sighed, "I talked to Ian about it. He didn't understand either. He just told me to 'man up'. That's surpirsing coming from him."

I nodded. That makes sense.

"Also, I'm engaged....."

I looked at him, wide eyed. "Engaged!"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Yea...sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's fine, sorta. But what's her name?"

"Kalel Cullen soon to be Kalel Padilla...."

I repaeated the name in my head, "What a pretty name."

"I know....."

It was silent till Anthony broke it, "Well, you can guess what happened."

"She didn't get it."

"Yea, she thought that I was being paranoid and should wait. That you would come to me."

"She was right."

Anthony nodded, "I should listen to her more often."

We laughed. I missed this. I never want this to end.

I stood up, "We should visit her today."

Anthony laughed, "Be prepared to be smothered. She always asks to see you and it's always a bad time. She's been waiting and asking. I talk to her a lot about you so it's like she knows you already."

I laughed, "I'll be prepared."

"She may want to have a make over too."

"I'm regreting my decision all ready."

"She's a pain but you gotta love her."

We laughed. My stomach started to hurt how much I was laughing.

We finally quieted down. I was the first to speak up, "How about we have breakfest?"

"Ok, i'll cook. What do you want?"

"How about eggs and bacon."

"Ok. I won't eat the bacon though."

"Vegan..." I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up!"

We laughed. Anthony got up and ran to the kitchen. I ran after him but took a detour into my room to grab my phone.

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