Chapter 18

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I ran as far as I could.

I stopped running and collasped on the grass. I was on somebody's lawn and it was late. I was running all day.

I stopped a few times for the bathroom and a drink, but that was all. I didn't really stop for anything else.

I was on the verge of passing out when I smelled a familiar scent.

I jumped up, Ian and Anthony.

I looked down the street. Their car was coming down the road. I looked aoround. There is no place to hide. Where do I go?

I was about to just run when the car stopped, Ian and Anthony got out.

Anthony took a step toward me, "Anna?"

I stepped back, "I'm not going back..."

"Anna, don't be rediculous."

"No Anthony! It's not rediculous! I hate school! I hate the house! I hate it here! This place is a nightmare!"

I felt my wolf starting to surface. I looked down at my hands, my veins were turning black.

I quickly looked away. I can't get mad. They'll find out if I did.

I heard another footstep. Again, it was Anthony. "Is that really how you feel? You feel as if this was a nightmare?"

I shook my head, "No, yes. I don't know anymore, Anthony. I hate it but then love it....I don't know."

I heard multiple steps. Both from Ian and Anthony. Anthony was close behind me now, "Your life wouldn't be as confusing if you listened. If you didn't get into fights with us. If-"

"Hold up, you think, that I start the fights?"


"So the hospital was on me? The not wanting me? Wanting me dead? That was me! I think not, Anthony!"

The anger was building. I need to stop it.

"Anna, we didn't mean it." Ian spoke up.

"You didn't mean it?! You were the one that said it Ian! You said it! Anthony faught back, I thought that maybe, maybe Anthony would be the good guy. But I guess I was wrong. You both are horrible people."

I stuffed my hands in my pocket and closed my eyes. Calm down.

I looked at the ground, the grass was wrapping around my feet. I watched the grass till I felt calm. I then turned to them.

Anthony was two steps behind me and Ian was close to the car.

Anthony looked at where Sarah punched me. He put his hand on it and rubbed it with his thumb.

I would have pushed him away any other time but I didn't. We never got this, father and daughter moments. I always push them away.

Then it came to me, am I the one that always starts the fights?

I looked at him. He looked back at me. We sat there, I was wondering on what to do.

I finally decided and hugged him. He felt shock for a little, then he felt happy and returned the hug.

"Can we not fight anymore? Please."

I sensed the fear in him. There was also happiness, shock, and hope, but mostly fear.

There was also an emptiness. Like something was eating at him, or missing.

I can't let him go through this anymore. It's killing him.

I nodded my head. I really don't want to fight anymore. But I know that isn't the case. We will always fight, there would be times we don't talk. It will never end.

But I needed to get the emptiness out of him. I know that I made it, that I was the reason there is an emptiness. I need to fix this.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "I'll make it right, don't worry."

He looked confused, but then smiled back. I can understand why he is confused. He doesn't know that I can sense it.

Might as well let him know, "I know why you spend a lot of time alone, in your room."

He showed a confused face, but inside, I knew that he knew what I was talking about. He was worried.

I looked down at my hands, "You have an emptiness inside. You feel like something is missing. I know that I am the fault for that....."

I trailed off. I wanted to keep talking but wasn't able to. I started choking up and felt the tears coming.

Anthony didn't say anything. He just looked down.

I looked up at him, "I'm sorry."

I hung my head and walked to the car. I got into the back seat and looked out the window at Anthony. He was looking up now, at where I was standing. He was crying. I know he is.

He wiped his eyes and walked to the car. I looked down at my hands. I don't want to make eye contact.

He got in the passenger side and Ian got in the driver's.

We sat in silence. We didn't look at each other or anything.

I could sense that Ian was uncomfortable. Its understandable, he wasn't the one that was empty inside.

Ian finally started the car and we were on the road going home.

If I can even call it that. A lot of shit is going on and right now, it doesn't feel like home.

I wasn't expecting them to find me. I wanted to stay away. Maybe that will help Anthony, if I go away.

And never come back.

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