Chapter 10

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"How are you feeling?"


The doctor came in about an hour after I fell asleep. He woke me up and started asking questions.

"Are you breathing ok?"

"Yea, it just hurts to breath."

"Well, it's going to."

I never did pick up my head to look at him. I was still sad over the argument. I can't let him see that.

The doctor stared at me. He then put down his pad and pen. He leaned forward, "Are you ok?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, Mr.Padilla and Mr.Hecox were sitting outside your room, watching you, instead of inside. I found that a little strange, don't you think"

"We just had an arguement, it's non of your buisness."

He nodded his head and got up. "I'm going to go. You sure you don't want to talk?"

"The last person I would talk to would be you. Like teachers say, stranger-danger."

"I'm not really a stranger am I. I did save your life." He walked out of the room.

I hate being here. I almost died here twice, well I actually did, but that isn't the point. It's so lonely. Maybe I shouldn't have told them to go.

I heard my phone go off. I picked it up and looked at the text.

It was from Zack, Why aren't you talking to me?

"I wasn't able to."

There you are! Where have you been? Your parents have been back and forth from your house. I saw them last running to their car and speeding down the road. They were yelling, 'She's awake!' or 'She's ok!'.

Oh my god. I am a horrible person.

"I'll explain everything when I get home. I have to go."

I turned off my phone and looked around. I need to see them.

I grabbed on to the monitor and stood up. My legs felt light cause I havent been using them. I felt dizzy. I just want to sit down.

But I need to see them.

I walked forward, to the door. Please be out there.

When I made it to the door, I was out of breath.

I can do this.

I pushed open the door and looked around. Ian and Anthony weren't here. Where could they be?

I looked around at the signs. I stopped at one that said 'Waiting Room.'


I walked to where the arrow was pointing. No one was in the hallway so I was ok. For now.

I was halfway there when the nurse stopped me, "Miss, you can't be out here."

"But I have to see them." I tried to walk past her put she grabbed my arm.

"You have to come with me." She started to walk back to my room.

"No! Stop!" I was pulling against her.

I was about to give up when the doctor came by, "Let her go."

The nurse did what he said. I looked at him and he smiled. He looked at the nurse, "Go back to her room and pack her things. If she can make it, she can go. For a while at least."

I felt adrenaline course through me, I can make it.

I started walking again. I was almost there. Just a little more.

I saw Anthony sitting in a seat and Ian was next to him. He looked angry. They were yelling. I was close enough to hear what they were saying.

"How could you not tell me?!" Ian yelled.

"I thought when she went to see you, she told you!" Anthony yelled back.

"Well, she didn't!"

"How was I suppose to know?! She barely talks as it is!"

"You should have asked!"

"It would have been weird to! We were having fun! I didn't want to ruin her mood!"

"Well you should have!" Ian stood up and Anthony stood up too. They were face to face.

"No I shouldn't! That is messed up! She didn't talk for weeks and you wanted me to ruin her mood!"


"She almost killed herself Ian! I wasn't going to do that!"

"Maybe you should have! Maybe she was right! It would have been better her dead!"


"I don't know..."

"I'm right Anthony! You know it! She wouldn't be going through this pain."

"Ok Ian! Maybe you are right! Happy?!"

I shook my head. My cheeks were wet and my vision was blurry. Why? Why would Ian say that? Why would Anthony agree?

I fell to my knees. Everyone was staring. It was just like school.

But worse.

People were taping them and me but I didn't have my mind on that. The fact that they think I would be better off dead....

If they want me dead, i'll let them have it.

I ripped out the tube on my nose and squeezed the one going to my lungs, stopping the air from going through.

"You want me dead. I'll give you dead." I said it loud enough to make Ian and Anthony turn to face me.

"ANNA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" They ran to me.

"Don't..act...innocent." I said inbetween breaths.

"SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR!" Screamed Anthony.

"What?" Ian looked at me, innocently.

They were reaching for my tubes, but I was pushing their hands away. ""

"No we don't!" Anthony yelled.

"" I was laying on the ground now, still fighting away their hands.

The doctors ran over and grabbed the tubes. They tried to put them back in me but I wasn't going to let them without a fight. I was pushing their hands and doing whatever I could.

The doctor got the tube in me and by instinct, I took a deep breath. It was quiet as I was taking breaths.

"Are you ok miss?" The nurse asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at Ian and Anthony. They had guilty looks on their faces. Tears were falling down their cheeks.

"No, i'm not. Not anymore."

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