Chapter 9

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Ian and Anthony were on the ground, crying.

They were bawling their eyes out. They were next to each other. They were still in the hospital. There were doctors rolling out a body bag.

A doctor approached them, "I'm sory for your lost. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes, thank you." Anthony got up and helped Ian up.

Who died?

They walked over to the body bag. Ian unzipped it. Inisde of it was....


I was in the body bag. I was all pale. My lips were blue and my eyes were closed. I had no sign of life.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Anna. We shouldn't have gone. It's our fault." Anthony looked at me. Barely being able to say those words.

"We wished we had more time. You were the best daughter a father could have." Ian whispered.


"I'll see you at the funeral, I'll visit you everyday." Ian zipped up the bag. They backed away and took my body away.

My lifeless body.

My eyes shot awake and everybody was around me. The doctors were yelling things at me but I couldn't hear them. All I could think about was my body being taken away.

I couldn't breath. I was gagging for air. I looked around frantically. Ian and Anthony were against the wall, screaming. But what?

I clutched at the blankets. This wasn't an asthma attack.

This was my lungs failing.

One of the doctors ran over to Ian and Anthony, said something, then escort them out of the room. Anthony didn't fight this time. He just left. I felt a pain in my arm, I passed out.

I awoke to a whole lot of pain. Worse than last time. 

I looked around. I was in a different room. This room was bigger and had a lot of machines. Most of them were hooked up to me. I felt something on my chest and lifted up my shirt. There were tubes going into me. Probably to help me breath.

I had a tube in my nose too. I bet for the same reason.

I looked at the walls. On the wall in front of me, there were x-rays. They looked like the x-rays of ribs. My ribs. They were cracked and looked horrible. I could say the same for my lungs. My lugs were beat up and you could see where they plugged up the bleeding.

I heard the door closed and looked to see who it was. It was the doctor that told Anthony I could die.

He saw me and smiled, "Good, you're awake."

"Where's Ian and Anthony?" I asked. I don't care about what he has to say. I just want them to know I am okay.

"They're not here. They went home."

What? How could they leave me? "Why?"

"You've been out for a week and a half."


"I know. That's normal though. Usually after surgery, people are out for days. You were early in waking up."


"Your lungs started to fail. We had to do surgery to get them working. Your parents said it was okay."

I nodded. I didn't want to go to sleep for that reason. I almost died.

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