Chapter 16

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The moon was almost out.

I was howling and in pain. The pain was unbearable. I don't think I can take it anymore.

The crew were still looking for me but I hid to where they shouldn't find me. But with all the howling, I'm not sure.

I was on the ground. I couldn't stand anymore.

I heard them calling my name. They must hear me. They sound worried.

The moon was just behind the trees. It was almost time.

I sat in pain till the moon finally came out.

Then I shifted.

I felt the bones in my body move and crack. I felt my face change. My eyesight, hearing, and smelling got better.

I was in so much pain, I thought I wouldn't make it.

Then, just like that, the pain was gone.

I opened my eyes and jumped.

I didn't jump on two legs but four.

I looked at myself, I was white as the snow. My fur was beautiful.

I stared at me. Me! I was a wolf! Sohinki was right!

I started to walk and it was hard at first, but I got use to it. I felt power in my legs. I felt like I could run for hours.

I looked around. I listened for my name. I heard Joven yell it and it sounded close. I backed off into the cave I found. I peed around it already to mark my territory. It was disgusting but had to be done.

I backed off to the corner. It didn't help that I had a white coat but it was pretty how it shined.

I looked at the moon and couldn't help myself. I howled. It was a wolf instinct I guess.

I heard a howl back. Who or what was that?

I shook my head. I'll figure it out later.

I layed down in the corner and listened out for them.

"I heard her!" Anthony shouted. "It came from over here!"

I could smell him getting closer and closer. I pushed further back into the corner.

I was hoping that they will pass the cave but they didn't. Anthony stopped at the entrance and looked dead at me.

Crouched down, "Anna?"

I stood up. But instead of going to him, I growled. I needed to act like any other wolf and act like I don't know him.

He stood up. Joven grabbed his arms and pulled him back, "That's not Anna."

Anthony stared into my eyes. "Yea it is. Can't you see it?"

I stopped growling and tried something else. I ran into a full sprint out of the cave and pass them.

Anthony tried to grab me as I passed, but he missed by only a little. "Anna!"

I ran and ran. I had to get away. I have to find some place safe.

I ran till I got to the edge of the woods. Great, I ran the wrong way.

I walked the edge of the woods, making sure no one was around. When I made sure, I sat down and relaxed.

I closed my eyes and looked for them, they were far away. They will never find me.

Knowing that I layed there, looking at the sky.

The moon started to go down and I ran back to the house. No one was home so I ran to my room. The moon set and I transformed back to a human. I climbed into bed and acted like I was asleep.

Who Are Your Parents? (Sequel to Adopted by Smosh?!) (2/3) (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant