Chapter 12

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"Anna. Anna, get up. We're going somewhere."

I opened my eyes and Anthony was shaking me. I pushed him away. I don't want him near me.

I looked at the clock, it was 6:30.

I got up and grabbed my the roller with the oxygen. I hated taking this everywhere. I walked to my closet. I closed the door since Anthony was still in my room. I picked out a pair of tights, tank top, and a t-shirt.

I took off my nose tub and quickly got changed. It was hard with the tube in my ribs but I eventually got on the clothes. I put the tube back and took a deep breath.

When I opened the door, Anthony was still in my room. He was sitting on my bed, looking at a piece of paper. I saw a glisten on his cheeks. He was crying.

"Remember the first time you got mad at us? You walked out and we followed you. We started to have a fight over if the cloud was a cow or a horse. We asked you and you said it was a moose." He quietly laughed.

I took a step closer and saw that he was holding the picture I drew of us on the grass. There were wet dots on it. 

"I heard you singing yesterday. It was the first time I heard you sing. You have a wonderful voice. Can you start using it?"

I shook my head. He is just trying to get me to talk. I grabbed my phone, beats and notebook. I walked to the living room. Ian was in the kitchen. He looked at me and gave me a slight smile. I ignored him and sat on the couch. I put my beats on and played 'Masterpiece' by Jessie J.

I opened my notebook. I was thinking on what to draw when I remembered I forgot my pencil. I walked back to my room and grabbed the pencil. Anthony was still on my bed, looking at the picture. I looked at him for a little before going back to the couch and drawing.

I decided to draw the house. I just needed something to do.

I hummed to the song. Listening to music and drawing brings me out of reality and into my own little world.

The song got to the chorus and I started to sing. You can never listen to a good song and not sing. I was smiling and drawing the house. I finished the base and started adding detial.

When that song ended I played one of Smosh's songs, 'Anything You Can Do I Can Do Dumber'. Just because I am mad at them doesn't mean that I don't like their music.

I kept drawing and singing. When I finished drawing I looked it over. It looked exactly like the house. I got up and walked to my room.

Anthony was still in there! I just rolled my eyes and kept singing. I'm in my own reality at the moment and I don't want to ruin it.

He looked up and me. I quickly looked away and put my notebook and pencil back. I walked away and went into the bathroom. I started brushing my hair. I stopped when 'Brave' came on. I loved this song.

I started dancing to it. I may be in depression but when i'm in my own reality, I do whatever I want.

I danced back to my room and grabbed my bookbag. Anthony was watching me the whole time but I didn't care. I danced to the living room. Ian was now on the couch. I walked in the kitchen and started sliding all over the floor. I didn't dance like usual becasue of the tubes and my lungs but I stilled danced. I danced till my lungs couldn't take it.

I looked up and saw Ian and Anthony staring at me. That was when I was snapped back in reality. I started blushing. I turned off the music and but the beats in my bag. 

I poured a glass of water and acted like nothing happened. 

Anthony broke the silence, "Maybe you should listen closely to that song. It could teach you a thing or two."

Ian got up, "Let's get going."

We walked to the car. I was confused. What did he mean?

I got in the back to fit my bag. I only had it for a day and was already hating it. I couldn't stand it. It was always in my way and a pain to drag.

It was when Ian got on the road I asked myself, where are we going?

I stared out the window. The car was quiet. I'm still not used to it, but soon enough I will.

After a while I started to recognize roads. It wasn't until we pulled up that I realized where we were.

We were at the SmoshGames building.

Ian and Anthony got out of the car. Why would they bring me here? They know I don't want to be here.

Anthony opened the door fr me, "Come on."

I shook my head. I was terrified. I didn't want to be back here. What if they hurt me again?

"It'll be ok Anna, we'll keep you safe."

Now you want me safe. What happened to you wanting me dead?

I shook my head again.

"Anna." Anthony grabbed my arm and started to pull me out.

I fought against him. I know I won't win but I have to put up a fight.

He got me out and picked me up. I started hitting his chest. Ian grabbed my bag and they walked to the building.

"NO!" I yelled, "DON'T BRING ME IN THERE!"

They kept walking. They walked inside.

"PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!" I punched him and pucnched him, but it was no use. I couldn't get him to let me go.

I eventually gave up and started to cry. "Please, I don't want to see them."

They just ignored me. Why are they doing this to me?

We were at the door to the room. I started fighting agian. "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM!"

They still ignored me.

I stopped fighting and cried into his chest, "Please. I-i'm scared."


They opened the door and I heard movement, but I didn't look. I kept my eyes closed and buried my head in his chest. He tried putting me down but I balled up his shirt in my fist. I don't want to be here.

"Anna?" I heard Mari but I didn't want to look. I didn't want to talk to them.

"We're sorry, ok. We didn't mean to. It was on accident." I heard footsteps coming to me. They must be coming closer.

"Please get me out of here." I whispered to Anthony.

He shook his head. 

I let go of him and stood up. "Then I'll walk out on my own."

I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open.

My eyes opened wide and I started banging on the door. "Get me out of here!"

"Anna calm down, we just want to talk." Mari came closer to me.

I turned to face her, "Stay away!"

She stopped moving.

"You want me to talk, fine!" I pointed at the crew, "You guys almost killed me! You were suppose to be my friends!" I looked at Mari, "You had the audacity to tell them to beat Ian and Anthony up! You were supposed to be my friend!'

They all had the face of guilt.

I turned to Ian and Anthony, "Then you two. You guys wanted me dead! You said it! Then you guys act innocently when I tried to kill myself! How is one supposed to live a happy life knowing their dads wanted them dead! Or should I even call you my dads anymore?"

They looked down at the ground. I turned to face all of them, "I was getting use to this life. I thought it was pretty cool to have a life like this. I started to like it. I was calling this home. You guys were a family to me. Now I don't even know who you are."

I took a deep breath. "Happy?"

I tried the door again and it unlocked. I walked out and to the car. I was never coming back here again.

Who Are Your Parents? (Sequel to Adopted by Smosh?!) (2/3) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora