Chapter 27

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POV: Anna


My mate?

The thought never accured to me.

We did connect the second we talked. He did ask for my number on the first day.

The thought is crazy, but may be true.

I was sprinting the whole time. Anthony would tell me to slow down but I just kept going. I wasn't stopping.

I made it there in under an hour. I had to wait for Anthony to catch up.

I shifted. I paced back and forth, waiting for Anthony.

He finally arrived after about 20 minutes.

He shifted and I asked, "Where were you?"

He laughed, "I told you to slow down!"

"I didn't think you would be that slow..."

He punched me in the arm and I punched him back.

We laughed but Anthony's wasn't his normal laugh. He has something on his mind.

I have to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Huh....oh! Nothing, why?"

"You just don't seem right."

He smiled, "I'm fine. Now, let's go find Zack." He mumbled under his breath, "And prove me wrong."

What? Why does he want to be proved wrong? I think that it would be amazing for him to be my mate.

He walked forward but stopped suddenly.

"Shit!" He yelled.

I jumped at his sudden outburst. "What?"

"I fucking forgot! You can't sense your mate till you're sixteen! Damnit! We ran all this way for nothing!"

I felt my mood plummet. I was really hoping on finding my mate.

I sighed, "Might as well go home then...."

I shifted back into my wolf and got ready for the long run back.

I ran slower this time.

I walked in the apartment. Anthony was already there.

He smiled at me, "Finally! It's about time you made it!"

I nodded and smiled. I didn't really pay attention to what he said. I still had my mind on Zack.

And Ian.

I walked over to my bed on the floor and layed on it.

I grabbed my phone and texted Ian, "Hey."

I have to try.

He read it but didn't say anything back.

That hurt. A lot.

I put the phone down and stared at the ceiling.

Kalel and Anthony were whispering but I didn't bother on listening.

Anthony walked over shortly after the whispering started and layed next to me.

He cleared his throat, "We can try again next year. He'll still be here."

I just kept looking at the ceiling.

He sighed. He looked up at the ceiling also.

I thought we were going to sit in silence till he started talking again, "That isn't the only reason, is it?"

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