Chapter 13

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I started cutting again.

You'd think that once you stop cutting, that's it. You don't do it anymore.

But it's harder than it seems.

I kept my arms covered up with bandages. Ian and Anthony would ask about it but I wouldn't answer them. After the arugument, they talked to me more. They never left me alone. They were always checking on me and each time I would be doing the same thing, nothing. Just sitting on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I rarely come out of my room. Sometimes I would sit in the living room and watch TV. But they would always ruin it by asking questions even thought they knew they wouldn't get an answer. Why try?

I haven't left the house. Haven't talked, not even sing. I haven't been myself. Who wouldn't be theirself after going through all this shit?

Today, though, I actually did something. I drew.

I grabbed my notebook and hid in my closet. I drew. It wasn't a happy drawing though.

It was me behind a closed door, I was sitting against it. On the other side, Ian and Anthony were doing the same thing. I had my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. I was crying. So were Ian and Anthony.

I was crying while making this. I put a lot of effort into it. I needed to get the pain out some how and that was putting it on paper.

When I finished I wiped my eyes and put it on the desk. I felt my stumach rumble and walked to the kitchen.

They were on the couch talking when I walked in. They stopped to look at me. Ian had the camera in his hand. It was on and facing me. I wiped my eyes. I hope they couldn't tell I was crying.

I looked away and grabbed some pancake mix. I started making pancakes. My grandma taught me before my parents died.

They started talking again. They were probably filming for their second channel.

They got up and walked over. Anthony leaned on the counter, "What are you making?"

I threw the box at him. He caught it, "Pancakes, yummy!"

He put the box back down. I pulled out a plate and put the pancakes on there.

I was going to walk to the table when I decided to make some more pancakes. For them. It's something to keep me busy.

I grabbed the box and started to make more.

"Woah Anna! How much are you going to eat?" Ian laughed.

I shook my head. So now it's all fun and games.

"Why don't you say hi." Ian came closer.

I didn't look. I just finished making the pancakes and grabbed two plates. I put three on each and put them on the table. I grabbed the butter and syrup and put them there too. I then grabbed my plate and utensils. I sat down.

They looked at me. Their eyes and mouth were wide open.

Anthony came over and sat down, "Did you just make breakfest for us?"

I ignored him and ate. Ian sat down too.

We started to eat. They filmed their first bites and did what they usually do. They tried adding me in on it but I didn't say anything.

I finished my food. I was about to get up when Anthony stopped me by grabbing my arm, "What's the bandages for?"

I yanked my arm away. I got up and put the plate in the sink.

I was cleaning up while they kept trying to get me to talk.

I kept ignoring them. I was at the hallway entrance when Anthony said something that stopped me, "The crew are coming later."

I turned to face him. He kept talking, "They are going to hang out and sleepover. Just cause you don't like them doesn't mean that we can't talk to them and say our apologizes."

Of course they would be coming over. Why wouldn't they?

I pointed at the clock.

"They are coming in an hour."

I put my hand down. An hour?

I turned around and walked to my room. I sat on my bed. Of course Anthony and Ian want to ruin my life by inviting them. Why wouldn't they? They wanted me dead after all.

I undid the bandages and looked at my arm. The cuts and scars went all the way up my arm. I was starting to run out of room. That's not a thing that should happen. My whole arm shouldn't be covered. That says that they are bad parents.

Which they are.

I grabbed my notebook and looked at the drawing. I forgot to add one detail.

I drew the scars. I drew them going up my arm. I knew the picture was missing something but I didn't know what. But now I do.

I finished and I decided to draw a new drawing. This time it was just me. But it was a close up. Half my face was beautiful and a mask. The other half was what I was truely feeling. Sadness, neglected, abandoned, and unloved.

I finished and looked at it. I was studying it when Ian and Anthony were at the doorway, with the camera.

"What's that?" Anthony grabbed at the notebook. I tried to grab it back but I couldn't reach it. He pointed at the picture, "That's you isn't it. On the inside."

He showed Ian. He then flipped the page to the other drawing. "And us." He looked closely at it. "Why can't you just talk to us Anna? You souldn't be going through all this pain. You would be drawing happy pictures, not depressing ones." He gave Ian the notebook to look at.

Ian looked at it, "What is on your arms?"

Anthony looked at Ian and then back to me. I put my arms behind my back.

"Give me your arms." Anthony had his hands out.

I shook my head. That is the last thing i'll do.

He grabbed at my arms, unexpectedly, and saw the scars.

"They go up her arm!" He pulled Ian over to look at them. Ian put the camera on the bed and grabbed my other arm.

"You're cutting again, aren't you?" Ian asked.

I didn't reply. I just stood there, looking at the floor. I shouldn't have taken off the bandages.

Anthony let go of my arm, "Is that why you were wearing the bandages?"

I nodded. He looked mad, sad, and guilty at the same time.

"Why would you cut again?" Ian asked, letting go of my arm also.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"No! No shrugging shoulders! I am done with you ignoring us! Now answer! This has gone far enough!" Anthony was yelling at me.

I put my arms up in defense. I can't even be sure if he will hit me or not.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be going through this. We try to apologize but you ignore us. We're trying, ok? You may not see that but we are. That's why we invited the crew. You need to talk and hang out with people."

He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. Ian bent down, "Just think about it, ok?" He hugged me. He got up, grabbed the camera, and walked out. Leaving me alone.

I sat down on the floor. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

What just happened?

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