Chapter 26

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POV: Anthony

I couldn't help myself.

After what he said and Anna's reaction, I had to. I had to punch him.

I walked up to him. I tried not to punch him.

"How could you?! She doesn't deserve that! She is going through enough already!"

Ian yelled back, "Yes she does! She is leaving me Anthony! Leaving me for you!"

"I treat her better! I don't ignore her all the time! I actually try to have a relationship with her! You don't do shit!"

"You don't do shit! She doesn't care about you! She-"

I couldn't hold it back.

I punched.

I expected to stop after that but I kept going. I couldn't help it. I let my wolf loose.

The crew, including Kalel, pulled at me and tried to get me off of him.

After about 10 punches to the face, they finally pulled me off of him.

Kalel turned me around, "Cover your eyes."

I closed my eyes and hid my hands in my sweatshirt.

"Run outside, I have this."

I did as she said and ran outside.

On the way out I saw Anna on the floor, looking at Ian in horror.

She looked at me as I passed, "How could you?"

I just kept going. I didn't do it. My wolf did.

I ran out to the woods and shifted. I kept going. I was not stopping till I got to the house.

I shifted at the edge of the woods and ran up the steps to Kalel's apartment.

I closed the door and ran to the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror.

I didn't see Anthony. I didn't see the cheery, never punch anybody Anthony.

I saw the monster that I was.

The looked on Anna's face kept flashing through my mind. She looked at me like I was a monster.

I sat on the toilet and cried. My life is shit.

I sat there for about an hour before Kalel knocked on my door.


I just kept crying.

I heard the doorknob move. But I locked the door.

"Anthony? Anthony, please open the door."

I shook my head, though I know she can't see.

I heard Anna say, "Let him stay in there."

Kalel yelled, "Please Anna. Can you open it for me?"

I heard Anna sigh.

Then the next thing I know, the door is flying across the bathroom. Slamming into the wall.

Kalel came running in. I just buried my face in my hands.

She bent down in front of me, "Anthony, look at me."

I shook my head, "How could I do that to my bestfriend?"

"You didn't do that. The wolf took control and did that. You couldn't stop it."

"Yes I could have. I didn't have to let my wolf loose."

"Anthony, you know emotions has the most impact on the wolf. By then, your wolf couldn't be controlled. It was filled with anger and sadness. That wolf could not be controlled. No matter how hard you tried. You would have passed out from exhaustion."

"I would have rather passed out from exhaustion than hurt my bestfriend. It was like hurting my brother."

I saw Anna at the doorway in the corner of my eye. She was looking at me. She looked like she felt bad for me, but I knew better. She was mad at me and just feeling bad for Ian.

Kalel sighed, "You can't beat yourself up over it. Ian will forget."

"What if he doesn't? What will happen to Smosh? What about the fans that live because of us? All those lives that we saved. They will be lost." (I'm one of those fans. I wouldn't be alive without them. They saved me from self harm and death many times. They also cheer me up when i'm sad so i'm grateful for them and I hope they never split up.)

"Don't say that! You don't know that!"

"I do actually! All those people who comment that stuff! They all say how we saved their lives! What will happen to those people?!"

Kalel sighed, "Fine. If you want to beat yourself up because of this then i'll let you. I can't stop you."

Kalel got up and walked out. Anna stayed at the doorway.

She sighed and came over to hug me.

I was shocked, "What are you doing?"

Her voice was muffled by my shirt but I could still make it out, "I hate to see you cry."

I smiled and hugged her back. She doesn't hate me....

She pulled away and we made eye contact.

She looked down at the ground, "I know that this is off the topic of what happened but, i'm thinking of going to school tomorrow. You know, to say bye to Zack..."


I forgot to ask her...

"Anna, don't you find anything...I don't know...strange about Zack? Like, do you sense anything?"

"I haven't seen him since when the crew slept over. Why?"

I sighed, "Cause I think that he might be a wolf."

She looked wide eyed at me, "Really?! This is great! No wonder why we got along so well!"

"I think maybe a little bit too well..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you guys became best friends the first day you guys met. Doesn't that seem strange..."

"Wait, so what you are saying is that, Zack, could be my mate."

I nodded, "Kinda."

"Well, let's prove that theory right now!"

She grabbed my hand and ran to the door.

I yelled to Kalel from the door, "We're going on a run, we'll be back!"

"Ok!" She yelled back.

We closed the door and ran outside. We waited till we were inside the woods to shift.

We were then on our way to see if my theory is right or not.

I hope not.

I don't want to lose my daughter cause she found her mate.

I never want to lose her....

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