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| Eleanor |

I did make friend.

Sort of.

Being late to the class made me feel left out. It's like friendship is on sale to early comers . Come first, get first. And I wanted so badly to be early so I could fetch mine . .so much for getting up early!

Really needed to keep my unhealthy obsession in check.

So to cut through the chase, the second I stepped in the class. .i took a hurried look around the class  and every one had the seat beside them filled—friendships were already forged—my heart did a sad pathetic flip for being the left out but then I saw her!

The black girl sitting all by herself.

The professor gave me a disapproving look for pausing the class and I made my way towards the girl. She was sitting by the window and the natural light filtering on her face made her stand out—

"As I said we will be studying ancient greek and—"

The girl seemed kinda surprised at me, coming at her.

"Hey." I whispered softly as I sat down beside her and tried to push back my red hair from getting into my face and sticking to my lip gloss.

"Um hi. . .?" She trailed off,  kinda shy. And reserved.

"Eleanor." I mouthed , my eyes fixed on the flailing professor.

"Willow Sanchez."

"That's one pretty name, Willow." I said , rolling her name in my mouth. "Exotic."

I think she smiled.

I wasn't sure because I couldn't look at her for the wrath of the old man would fall on me . .

After that we fell silent.

I had a . .thing when it came to the delicate bond of friendship. It puts pressure on me. Sounds weird but . .I always get this bubbling sensation in my stomach which forces me to be like be my best friend? Everyone got a friend , can you be mine? I don't want to feel left out.

Childish. Awkward and pathetic.

But seeing everyone with someone puts pressure on me.

I managed to keep all of those insane things in my mouth and didn't utter a word but the clicking of my pen was giving away my anxiety.




"Miss, can you stop doing that?" The professor sighed irritably as the necks of the students turned at me.

Being a red head with a pale skin. .let me say one thing straight. We turn beet red at being caught.

The deep blush on my cheeks made itself known as I nodded meekly.

Willow chuckled.

As the class went on , my mind drifted away from the room. .and i couldn't help but think about the strange incident that occurred in the corridor. The man with the most peculiar set of blue eyes.  .  .I couldn't get rid of his image stuck in my head. .

He looked so odd.

His vibes contradictory.

Looking calm and yet on edge. .

"Are we clear on this? I want you to write an essay on this alright?"

A monotonous "yes, professor." was said.

With Love, Ryan (Shattered#1)Where stories live. Discover now