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| Eleanor |

You think you're so freaking confident and as soon as you're smack dabbed with a guy in a room. . .every ounce of it disappears.

Like it did from me.

The click of the door kind of caught me off guard and I whipped around , my heart thudding hard.

"Why did you do that?" I asked glancing at the bolt.

Why the lock? Why were we getting locked together?!

He had turned around, the keys jangling in his hand. At first he didn't get it and then he follwed my gaze which was stuck on the door.

Ryan slipped the keys back in his pocket.

"Relax. I don't want to be disturbed. You're safe with me rather than without me , Eleanor." He raised an inky brow.

He always made me feel safe but. . .his figure was just making me think indecent thoughts! Like kissing his bruised lip!

While he was walking and talking in a smooth manner, I couldn't for the life of me, understand the volcano of emotions ready to tumble down with a slight push.

I couldn't look away from him as he walked in , rubbing the back of his neck and—blue eyes caught me staring at him so unabashedly.

"Sit down. The bed won't bite." He gestured at the made up bed.

I glanced at it. The black sheet , cushions made up , blanket folded. . .

"You won't seduce me on the bed right?" I asked right away not looking at him.

I heard a gentle chuckle.


I looked at him, he had folded his arms across his chest . .his biceps making an appearance. And it got me suddenly. .the word flashed in my head.


He was oozing the sexy aura.

"You know," I shrugged." Like how it happens in movies and shit. Get the girl on bed and smooth talk the crap out of her and then—,"

"Kiss her." He ended the sentence, his eyes litting up with amusement at seeing me so. .freaked out.

My eyes turned into slits.

"And worse."

He nodded, biting his lower lip to hide his smile.

"Let me assure you, I have no such intentions to ravish you. At least not today."

"What do you mean not today?" My voice got loud.

Ryan laughed and then winced.

"Get seated , thick head. I may not sound like one but I'm an honourable man." He placed his hand over his heart , standing on the middle ground of rouge and handsome.

All I knew was , he was making me feel things. . .I had never felt before.

Muttering incoherent stuff, I walked towards the bed and sat down right on the edge.

If he noticed, he didn't comment.

Seemed like he knew his way around because the first thing he did was go towards the wardrobe, open it up and snatching a random shirt.

"My family own half the share of the this club. This room is mine and you're the first one to. .grace it."

I. . didn't hear a word he said.

With Love, Ryan (Shattered#1)Where stories live. Discover now