9| Aleksander Sounds Perfect

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I can't believe the famous Aleksandr is at my speakeasy. Gracing all of us normal people with his annoying presence.

My first impressions of him are that he's super obnoxious and flirty. I didn't really mind entertaining the flirty. I used to love flirting. There's something super exciting and pleasurable about it.

Too bad it can never be anything more than that.

When he held me, silly thoughts started dancing around my head. The craziest thought was that I felt immense sadness. Like a dreary rainy day or when your dog dies, to the extent that I wanted to burst into tears. You could say I was over-emotional or dramatic but I had my reasons.

The hug was magical.

A rare feeling of warmth and comfort completely engulfed me. Like the feeling of sitting in front of a fire on Christmas day, roasting marshmallows and singing carols. I felt a heat that my body craved. It's been such a long time since I've received a hug romantically and even non romantically. I didn't realize how much I missed it.

But then like a massive truck it hit me.

I could never have a relationship. Or let down my walls again. Complete impossibilities. The hurt I've felt could be compared to the heartbreak of a thousand lives. In the end, the only person I could blame was myself. The boy who trusted too easily.

Trust such a fragile concept. When you give this to another it's like jumping off a cliff, expecting the other person to catch you. A precious safety net. So what happens when they let you fall or totally shred up your safety net? What do you then?

When he held me close, my brain was forced to act.  I started shoving him away. The whispers in my head keeping me in line.

Push him away
Protect yourself
You don't deserve comfort

We were playing an unfair game of chess. He has the power and influence. The odds are drastically in his favour, it's undeniable that he's winning. I have to do everything to guarantee I'm victorious without offending him.

Imagine if I got on his wrong side. That would have disastrous consequences. The largest business tycoon in the city could completely destroy me.

My next goal is to discretely find out why he has been digging around my past. Why would someone go to that much trouble for little old me? It's not like I care, but if he accidentally alerts them of my whereabouts that wouldn't end well for me.

At this very moment, he's sitting right next to me. The closeness is absolutely suffocating. There's something terrifying yet exhilarating about this man.  I'm really amused at his clumsy attempts to hide the fact he's checking me out. Some of the frustrating people from earlier, who I like to call his arse lickers, are also seated near us.

I had learnt that the rude man from earlier, who obnoxiously announced I wouldn't last long in this city, is called Adrian. His glares intensify as each word tumbles out of my mouth. I can sense that he has a bad aura and maybe some ulterior motive for trying to rile me up.

My papa never failed to remind me about the many special talents I possessed. He would gloat to his friends about my capabilities. Things like, I could read people like a book and my analytical skills rivalled that of a top detective.

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