Chapter 1

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You fidgeted with your fingers nervously, looking out the window as you took a turn into the highway.

Joseph seemed to notice your overwrought fiddling. "Hey, Y/N? You doing alright?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Yeah .. I just, uh .. I'm a bit nervous doing this like, right now. I've never done anything like this before." You grabbed your phone, checking the time. 10:35 pm.

Joseph sighed. "This is the only time we'll be able to get this done. There's usually a few 'rangers' there, guarding the entrance. I did my research, and found out that no one will be on duty today. Which leaves us with a big window of opportunity." His eyes shimmered with determination.

"Well .. yeah. But what if it turns out there are wild animals there and we end up getting killed? Better yet, what if there's something more dangerous than animals there? What if there's a group of dangerous people there? What if we get kidnapped or-"

"Y/N, you really think I've come unprepared?" He cut you off, glaring at you with an annoyed expression.

You sighed, massaging the bridge of your nose with your fingers in frustration. "No! Of course I know someone like you would come prepared for this type of stuff. It's just that ... " You trailed off at the end of your sentence. "I'm a bit scared .."

Joseph snorted, making you sneer at him with a blush of embarrassment. "What's so funny!?"

"Pfft- no no, it's nothing. Just didn't know that you were STILL afraid of the dark." He snickered. You crossed your arms, turning your nose away from him with a soft 'hmph'.

He placed a hand on your shoulder in reasurement. "I've brought flashlights and some other supplies .. in case things get a bit nasty out there. I don't think your old camping flashlight and pistol are gonna do us any good."

Joseph's car came to a halt on the side of the road. You hadn't even noticed you were almost there because of how much you were panicking.

You stared at the dark forest ahead of you, eyes widening. You didn't remember this place to look so .. intimidating. Just glancing at it made you uneasy.

Joseph snapped you out of your frantic worry, by placing both of his hands on your shoulders.

"Y/N .. don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to any of us. You don't need to be afraid. C'mon. " Joseph got out of the car, not waiting a second longer.

You stepped out onto the cold grass, the cold wind hitting your face instantly.

Joseph had gone to the back of the car, opening the boot carefully. You sped-walked to his side, glancing around nervously.

Inside the back of the car were two jackets, a few flashlights and light pistols; because you weren't used to carrying heavy duty guns as yet, As well as a medical bag.

Looking over all the items, you raised a brow in surprise.  "Oh wow .. I knew you were prepared, but not this prepared."

Joseph didn't acknowledge your statement, digging through his belongings as if looking for something.

Soon though, he found what he was looking for, and pulled it out. It was a camera.

"I have this camera, because I have a feeling we'll have to be taking pictures of some stuff as evidence in case anything happens."

He wrapped the strap of the camera around his neck, before grabbing a black jacket and handing it to you.

You took the jacket, putting it on. It was warm, and would also help you with stealth, since it was late at night.

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