Chapter 18

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⚠️ Sexual themes (?) ⚠️


You carefully stitched up the stomach of the deer in front of you, wiping your hands on a cloth. Now, you may be wondering, 'What the fuck. That went from 0 to 100 real fast, what happened?' Well, you needed to do your research somehow, right? While you were in your cell, you started getting agitated, so they gave you something to work on. Of course, you weren't actually agitated. It was a facade, to get a subject. How deceiving you are, Y/N.

You stepped away from the metal table. A few scientists had entered the observation room, taking notes on your behavior. It's the first time you'd preformed a surgery in front of them. The corpse of the dead deer didn't move, you probably messed it up .. again. "Oh, for fucks sake." You shook your head in annoyance. You were starting to regularly mess up your surgeries, because of .. a certain someone who was on your mind.

You groaned, trudging back to your desk. The leather journal, which you had taken during the breach, was laying open on it. You'd been taking down notes of all the procedures you tried. None of them were the same as how 049 did it. They were all different. Even if you did it remotely the same as he did it, they'd end up as mindless zombies, one way or another. Grabbing your notebook, you started writing down your .. tenth failure. Oh well, mistakes were made. As long as you're making progress.

You were snapped out of your aggressive writing by some shuffling. You darted your head towards the noise, your eyes widening. No way .. the deer started to move! ' .. no way.' You thought in amazement. It should have surely been longer before you finally managed to do something. This was a real breakthrough! You dropped your things, pacing towards the table. The deer opened it's small, beady eyes, looking up at you. You carefully placed a hand on it's head. It seemed to be slightly dazed. After a few seconds though, it slowly closed it's eyes. It's breathing stopped, and it's body fell limp.

You stared down at the now dead animal, smile slowly faltering. You heard a small chuckle from behind the observation glass. Was .. was that bitch laughing at you? You whipped your head towards the glass, death glaring Doctor Lenard. He turned his head away from you, snickering to himself. Son of a bitch. He really is a jerk.

With a heavy sigh, you gave the dead animal a pat. It's not like they could feel it, but it seemed necessary. You stepped away from the table once again, walking back over to your desk. This .. this definitely wasn't a failure. This was progress. You could use this method, and make it better. Yeah, this was good! You sat down, scratching out what you'd originally wrote down. The first step to finding a perfect cure. You were going to perfect it, even if it was the last thing you did.

The door of your cell opened. A scared Class D entered, with cleaning supplies. Huh, why would they just send them in to clean up without securing you first? They probably wanted to see what you did. Lucky for you, though, that class D didn't seem to have the pestilence. It was a girl. Long black hair running over her shoulders. She seemed to be hyperventilating, cowering away from where you were sitting. "D - 8143, please start cleaning the cell, or there will be consequences." Doctor Lenards voice boomed through the old intercom.

The girl hesitated, before starting to clean. She really seemed like she wanted to get outta there. You frowned, observing her as she did so. It always made you upset when people got scared of you, but you can't blame them. You averted your gaze from her, continuing to write down the procedure you'd preformed. You figured if you showed no interest in her, she'd calm down. Soon enough, after some time, she began to calm down.

She brought out a giant plastic bag, starting to put the dead animal into it. Her face was scrunched up the whole time, due to the intense smell of blood. You decided to finally break the silence. " .. What's your name?" You asked, not taking your eyes off the journal in front of you. She stayed silent for a couple of seconds. " ... Y/N." She said, her voice shaky. You paused from your writing, taking a moment to glance at her. Huh, what a surprise. Who knew you'd run into someone with the same name as you? It's probably the reason why Mr.Bitch decided to send her in here.

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