Chapter 2

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Pain. Pain is all you felt at this very moment. You don't know how long you've been blacked out for, but you assumed it was a while.

You opened your eyes. A bright, luminescent light hitting your eyes.

You groaned, blocking your face with your hands. Once your eyes had gotten used to the harshly bright lights, you attempted to sit up, only for a shooting pain to lash your senses.

You collapsed back down onto the 'bed', if you could even call it that. It felt like concrete.

You moved your head to the side, observing your surroundings.
Other than your bed, there was a sink with a mirror and a toilet. You mustered up the courage to sit up, trying to ignore the unbearable pain you were feeling.

Soon it calmed down a bit until you could tolerate it. 'W .. where am I .. ?' You questioned yourself, looking around.

You looked down at your hands, which were handcuffed.

'Wait, am I in jail!? Shit, I didnt mean to trespass, all I did was-'

You were torn away from your thoughts by the door sliding open. There, stood a guard in the same uniform you saw earlier.

You stared at them for a minute, eyes wide open.

" .. D - 7455, please step out of your cell. " The guard said, loading his gun.

You gulped, obeying what he wanted and stepping out of your cell. Your hair was open, so your part of it was covering your face.

The guard nudged your back harshly with the tip of his gun, an indirect gesture for you to move forward. You followed obediently, not wanting to get shot.

You didn't know where you were, no one had given you any information.

You soon came to a halt. "D - 7455, please go join the line of other class D's." The guard instructed you, nudging you rudely with their gun once again.

You mumbled curse words under your breath, joining the line of 'class D's', is what they call them.

You stared at the ground, sulking a bit, before you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You darted your head around, ready to fight .. but who you saw brought tears to your eyes.

It was Joseph.

"J-Joseph ... "  tears fell down your cheeks. He gave you a big smile, instantly pulling you into one of his bear hugs.

You cried into his shoulder silently, which was wrapped with a bandage.

"J-Joseph .. I thought y-you .. died." You sobbed, looking up at him. You wanted to hug him back, but you had handcuffs on.

"I promised you I wouldn't die .. right? I intend on keeping that promise. " He rubbed your back to calm you, his voice hushed.

Everyone was staring at you two right now, but you didn't care. You needed the comfort.

"W .. where are we? And why don't you have handcuffs on .. ?"

" .. I don't know where we are as yet. As for the handcuffs, you could say that I'm pretty persuasive."

He chuckled softly. You smiled, him hugging you tighter.

Just as you were about to ask him a load more questions, the door in front of you two slid open. Joseph let go of you.

"We should listen to what they say .. we don't wanna get shot."

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