Chapter 7

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Pacing around your cell, you mumbled to yourself. You felt as if you should be doing something, something more productive. All you've been doing is sitting in a cell the whole day, which was fine, for you. But something kept making you feel agitated when you weren't doing something .. but what was it?

Doctor Lenard had been watching you for the whole day now, taking down notes on every single thing you did. It frustrated you, really. Why does he need to the down notes of you pacing around a room? " .. could you like, stop doing that?" You asked, turning towards the glass. You saw him raise an eyebrow, before speaking into the intercom. "Stop doing what?" He asked. You placed a gloved hand on your hip in annoyance. "That. You keep writing down every small thing I do. Don't think I don't notice you doing that." You said.

"Ah, You're very observant, 049 - 3." He said, continuing to take down notes. "Could you weirdos call me by my name for once!? It's annoying as fu-" "You are an SCP, 049 - 3. And as an SCP, you need to be referred to by your designated number." He cut you off. You swear you saw him grin to himself. He was obviously just doing this to annoy you, as he'd been doing for the past few days. That guy is a real scumbag.

You tapped the tip of your bird-like mask in boredom, sitting on the metal table provided for you. You'd gotten used to wearing that outfit now. You didn't even need to shower, it seemed like .. as soon as you put on that outfit, you always smelt like lavender. No other body odors. You also haven't needed any food. You never felt hungry anymore. Sleep on the other hand, you did that a lot. I mean, what else were you suppose to do?

You perked your head up to the sound of a sound siren. "SEVERAL KETER CLASS SCP'S HAVE BREACHED CONTAINMENT. ALL FOUNDATION STAFF PLEASE EVACUATE TO THE NEAREST SAFEZONE IMMEDIATELY." You heard an intercom blast. Red lights started flashing in your cell. You glanced towards the glass, but it seemed like Lenard had already made a run for it. Tch, pussy.

"Is this what a 'breach' is suppose to be? How do I get outta my cell .. ?" You said to yourself, looking towards your door. It hadn't  been opened, so your best bet was to just wait. Luckily though, you wouldn't be waiting for too long. Your cell was quite close to where D - class were kept, so it wasn't too surprising to hear some rogue Class - D personnel wandering around. You assumed they had a keycard, because your door slid open.

The two Class - D stared at you. "Well well well, look what we have here~ A hotter version of 049." You heard a grunt voice say. You narrowed your eyes at him, sliding off the table you were sitting on and standing up. "U-uh .. dude, you might not wanna go near her- she's a euclid-" "OH SHUT YOUR MOUTH, it's not everyday that you see an SCP as hot as that." He screamed at the other class - D, then looking back at you with a lustful grin.

"Why don't we have a bit of fun, m'lady?" He said in a flirtatious tone, approaching you slowly. You blinked a couple of times, staring up at him. " dude, you're a real pedo, huh?" You asked, crossing your arms across your chest. He stopped in his tracks, glaring at you with slight irritation. "Oh, you'll regret saying that, Missy." He said, pouncing straight at you. With a small giggle, you swiftfully dodged.

He landed on the floor face-first. "Oh my .. what did you do to end up in here .. ?" You asked, looking down at him. You felt something tingle in the back of your mind. The guy looked up at you, now with a look of slight fear as you approached him. "You .. you seem ill." You said, slowly walking towards him. He shuffled back until he backed up into a corner. At this point, it felt like your whole body was on autopilot.

"Do not be afraid .. I am the cure." You whispered under your breath, gently touching his forehead with your hand. He gasped, but then immediately fell limp on the ground .. He was dead. You stared down at him for a couple of seconds, contemplating what you just did. "My my, Y/N. Quite the show you put on." You heard a familiar voice behind you.

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