Chapter 19

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A worried Doctor Reyes sat, cross armed. "Do you think .. your brother will be alright?" She asked, scratching the side of her neck nervously. " .. I-I'm not certain, Auri. They said he'd been exposed to SCP - 035's manipulation tactics. It was like .. he was a m- mindless zombie." Levi replied. He adjusted his glasses, sorting through some of the paperwork he had in front of him. "Well, he brought that upon himself. How could he do such a thing? He's definitely gonna be degraded for his behavior." Doctor Reyes complained.

"He's usually the type to g- get excited with the amount of control he's g- given. It's not a s- surprise to me that he went overboard." Levi explained, placing the neatly stacked papers on his desk. "It's just .. so surprising to me. You two are brothers, yet you're so different. He's so reckless, and you're .. um." She made random gestures with her hands, trying to find the correct words to put together. " .. you." She said. Levi gave her a look of disapproval. " .. Not the first t- time I've heard that." He muttered.

Clearing his throat, he stood up. "Alright. W- we should start reviewing the s- surveillance footage, from S- SCP - 035's encounter with SCP 049 - 3." He said, walking over to a nearby desk. "Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about that. We wouldn't want to be reprimanded for missing something that happened, since we weren't there." Doctor Reyes said, tailing behind him. Levi took a seat on the chair in front of the desk, starting to rapidly tap away.

"I- Indeed. Besides, we also need to find out h- how exactly he became a victim of SCP - 035." He logged into a few sites, typing in numerous passwords, until he finally pulled something up. "Th- there we go! Now we just n- need to watch it. Have a- a seat!" Levi pulled a chair beside him, gesturing for her to sit. She gave him a nod, sitting down beside him. Levi then pressed play, the surveillance footage beginning to play out.


SCP - 035 tapped it's hosts fingers on the table, looking rather irritated. Doctor Lenard, and a few accompanying scientists, were awaiting SCP - 049 - 3's arrival.

Doctor Lenard: "So, where is it?"

Doctor Lenard Junior: "Um .. sorry?"

Doctor Lenard: "WHERE IS SCP - 049 - 3?"

Doctor Lenard junior stumbled back.

Doctor Lenard Junior: "I- It should arrive soon! I've sent o- out the guards to retrieve it!"

Doctor Lenard: "Well it better be quick, because I swear .. if they don't get here in the next five minutes I'm gonna-"


"ALRIGHT." Levi paused the surveillance footage. Doctor Reyes gave him a quizzical look. "What, is there something wrong? It's not even 20 seconds into the footage." She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "U- um .. we were there when this happened. There's no need to waste time watching th- that! Let's just .. skip to when w- we left." He chuckled nervously, skipping ahead of the footage. Doctor Reyes huffed in annoyance. Levi was always so scared when it came to his brother, it really pissed her off. Wait, since when was the author narrating what she was thinking?- "Okay, I- I think this is when we left." Levi murmured, starting the surveillance footage once again.


Doctor Lenard: "What, have nothing to say? Not so cocky now, are we?"

Doctor Lenard dangled his level four keycard in front of the glass, and snickered.

SCP - 035: "Hahah .. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

The luminescent lights in the room began to flicker rapidly. SCP 049 - 3 stood up, taking a few steps away from SCP - 035, seeming agitated.

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