Chapter 9

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035 could have never determined for something as unusual as this to happen. How could a measly, petty Class - D have befriended the Doctor himself? You were so cocky .. too brave for your own good. He was certain that if you didn't die by his means, you would surely die by someone else's. But yet, here you were. Safe and sound, with a whole new identity. How did you even pull this off? Your determination .. enthusiasm .. he sensed it in you from the very beginning, and he's met plenty of people with the same trait. All of them were the same, but none of them survived.

But there was something else about you that he just couldn't put his finger on. All of the other individuals he had met, which held your same traits .. were happy, once, at least. When he looked into your eyes, he didn't just see determination and enthusiasm. He saw .. sorrow? Guilt? He had assumed it would be by the death of their friend, but a person .. a normal person wouldn't guilt trip themselves onto this level.

Everything about you was intriguing. The way your emotions worked, your personality, the dark colour of your eyes, the way your hips swayed as you walked. He wanted to learn it all. Never had he ever seen anyone such as yourself before. His willingness to learn about you is the only reason he hasn't lashed out on you yet. Believe it or not, 035 was still a tad bit pissed about that little incident earlier, and he hadn't got his payback yet. The time will come eventually. For now, he must wait and .. observe.

There were still many questions roaming around in his mind. How on god's forsaken earth did you turn into .. that? You were like a female version of the Doctor, but .. much shorter and big-mouthed, of course. You smelt exactly like him. Every time he got near you, a strong scent of lavender hit his nose, it was mesmerizing. The cloak, that bird mask. Obviously, unlike the doctor, you were able to take it off. But .. how? Where could you have gotten that from? It was exactly like the doctors, it made your voice sound metallic .. slightly robotic.

That cloak, again. Exactly like his .. but a more sexy version. Plague doctors aren't meant to look good, but somehow, you pulled it off. WOAH, 035. Calm your thoughts down, Jesus Christ. Anyway, last of all. Y/N's abilities. He'd never seen you pull it off in action, but with everything's that's changed about you, he assumed you definitely had them. Unlike the doctor, though, you didn't seem too fond of curing patients, even though you did it without hesitation. He knew what you were thinking whilst operating on those corpses. You're probably telling yourself, 'it's for the greater good, Y/N.'

But, sadly. Sin cannot be rid from this horrible world. Even if they did manage to eradicate it, it will always return. Always. No matter how hard you try, you cannot change the fact .. that the adrenaline you get from killing is undescribable. The blood lust in human nature will never cease. The moment someone rolls the dice the wrong way, everything departs into chaos, like a chain reaction. Where there is good, there is bad. Where there is bad, there is good. There is never only one of them. All you need to know, is how to sift out the bad people .. from the good people.


'Is Y/N one of those good people? She surely must be!' The readers are probably thinking. Sadly, we cannot tell you that as yet. It will all be determined in the end. In the end, Y/N will be judged. No matter how good you are, everyone has a bad side. All we need to determine what Y/N is .. is time. Time will tell, and whichever side wins, gets to choose how her story ends. Will this be a good ending, or a bad ending for Y/N?


The world truly does work in strange ways. 035 will most likely have to bombard 049 with these questions later, for now. We focus on the present. Y/N was operating on a corpse nearby, her hands shaking as she did. 049 was watching her do so, arms crossed. "Y/N, you need to steady your hands. This operation needs to be done with extreme precision." You heard 049 say. "I- I'm trying! I'm just a bit .. SHOOK, from earlier." You said, snickering to yourself. Y/N is probably gonna turn into the next Sans with the amount of puns she's making. 049 facepalmed, mumbling to himself.

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