Chapter 17

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Opening your eyes, you sloppily ran a hand through your hair to brush it out of your face. Where were you? It felt as if you were on a soft, comfortable bed. As much as you wanted to stay there, you needed to find out where you were. You slowly sat up, taking in your surroundings. Why did this place look familiar? You squinted your eyes, looking around. It looked like a cell .. oh wait. Memories from what happened hit you like a bullet. 035, he was hugging you after 049 sacrificed himself by getting caught for both of you. Then the guards came. What a shame, he did all of that for nothing.

You realized why this place looked familiar. It was your cell. Your god damn cell. You muttered a few curse words under your breath, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. Your neck was sore from that tranquilizer dart. Did they really have to use that thing? It hurt like hell. "Ah, You're finally awake!" You heard a voice say enthusiastically over the intercom. Of course, Mr bitch was back. You stared at the glass on the far right of your cell, scowling. "Have a good sleep, princess?" Doctor Lenard asked, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

" ... No." You replied, shuffling back into your bed. You pulled the covers over your head, turning so you were facing the wall instead of him. He let out a small cackle. "As expected. Those tranquilizers were quite the high dosage, you fell asleep almost immediately after your little chit-chat." He said, nonchalantly waving a hand in front of him. You stayed silent. Honestly, you were in no mood to tolerate his bullshit right now. If he wanted to do tests or some shit on you, tough luck. You ain't getting out of bed.

Lenard chuckled, looking over your sleeping figure. "You'll have to get outta there at some point for questioning, SCP - 049 - 3. We've seen too much unusual behavior from you to just let it slide~" He hummed, resting his legs on the table in front of him. "Especially from 035."

You perked up a bit when he mentioned him. '035 .. I wonder how he is now? I hope he's alright. They couldn't have hurt him, right?' You asked yourself, keeping your head tucked deep into the warm covers of your bed. You probably wouldn't be able to see him soon. By the looks of it, the breach had been over a long time ago. How long were you even out for? He said the tranquilizer had a high dosage .. so it could have been days, for all you know. And .. judging that your arm looked like it healed, it probably was a while.

You thought back to what happened before the guards interrupted you two. 'He comforted me. He didn't even need to do that, he could have just told me to grow the fuck up, but he didn't. The way he spoke to me .. the way he looked at me. It was the type of look a mother would give to their upset child. The way he comforted me was so soothing. I could have stayed in his embrace forever .. wait wait, no. That sounded sappy as fuck.'

You physically cringed at your thoughts. 'Since when did I start getting thoughts like that about him? Jesus fuck. Well .. okay. In all honesty, his voice is .. kinda annoying. He's way too overdramatic sometimes .. really.' You thought. After a few seconds, a soft chuckle echoed through your mind. 'For fuck's sake .. it's like I can still hear him.' You thought, furrowing your brows in annoyance. 'Mhm. No kidding, Y/N.' The voice said in your head, a slight demonic tone to it's voice.

You paused from your thoughts. You turned your head, looking at the room behind you for the source of the voice. Doctor Lenard gave you a quizzical look, tilting his head. You heard a soft sigh. 'Can you not tell who this is, Mon amour?' The voice asked. You gave Doctor Lenard a small glare, before burying your head back under your blankets. You didn't respond for a good minute, before it finally clicked. ' .. 035?' You asked, getting a tad bit flustered.

'Bingo! I thought you'd never figure it out, really.' 035 said, usual sarcastic tone. You didn't respond to him, staring at the wall in front of you. ' .. How much did you hear?' You finally gathered up enough strength to ask. 035 hummed. You could literally feel his grin from all the way over here. 'Well .. ~' You shuddered. He heard all of that, didn't he? 'Yeah uh. Don't answer that question. That .. That tranquilizer dart thingy made me .. act weirdly.' You responded. I mean, it's not like you were lying. You did feel unimaginably dizzy, so that counts.

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