Chapter 22

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"YOU BASTARD!" A voice called out furiously, completely ruining the moment you two were in.

You turned your attention towards the door, which was flung open harshly not long after.

At the foot of the door, stood a battered up Joseph. Oh my, I wonder what happened to him?

Sliding your arms away from the masks host, you stared at him with an expression of worry.

"Y- YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU SAID YOU'D HELP ME FIND Y/N!" He held what used to be his arm, which was now torn off. Luckily, last you remembered, it was a robotic arm. Easily replaceable.

You gasped, clasping your hands over your mouth in horror. "Joseph, are you alright!?" You scampered away from the masks side, attending the bruised individual.

"Oh please, you were only going to slow me down anyhow, darling! Don't be jealous~ " 035's hands rested on his hips.

Joseph sneered at the annoyingly ecstatic mask, gaze dropping to your distressed figure. You traced your fingers along multiple deep cuts on his skin.

"What happened!?"

Joseph was taken aback by your concerned tone. He'd figured after your last encounter, you'd still be upset with him ..

" .. 035 locked me in SCP - 682's cell. I barely managed to get outta there without getting ripped to shreds." His voice came out as a soft mumble, eyes turning away from you in shame.

Your forehead wrinkled into a frown. "He .. "

Glaring back at the mask, your gaze hardened. " .. seriously?"

"My love, he- .. " He cut himself off, coming to notice your expression of disenchantment. Pure and utter disappointment.

"He what, 035? He was searching for me, what exactly DID HE DO?" Your tone of voice raised in anger. After all he'd put you through, all because of his actions. He still chose to try and repeat it. How .. unconsiderate.

The masks expressions gradually downed into a look of tragedy, never ceasing to break eye contact with your fuming figure.

Grabbing your friends uninjured upper appendage, you began promptly tugging him along with you, as you stomped away. "Come talk to me when you decide to start acting decently, jerk."

The rusty, old door slammed shut behind you, leaving the mask .. alone.

Storming down the halls, you dragged Joseph along with you. He swallowed the tinge of guilt he felt for ruining your mood .. you seemed rather happy with him.

But the guy locked him in a cell, for God's sake! I mean yeah .. he could have been rebuilt, but that would take forever and a day.

" .. Uhm .. Y/N ..?"

You didn't spare a glance at him. You were rigorously searching for a place where you could tend to his wounds. "What?"

He bit the inside of his cheek nervously. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm definitely alright. It's not like I just screamed in outrage to the person who I was having a moment with. I'm .. alright." Droplets of tears pricked the corners of your eyes, the both of you coming to a stop in front of a room.

You frantically shook your head, pulling your mask over your head to conceal your emotions. "Let's get you patched up, yes?"

Joseph narrowed his eyes. Having a .. moment? They looked like they were just hugging .. like friends, right? Right?

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