Part 7

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Anna's POV

My phone can't stop buzzing. I know it's him. He will never see me again. I don't want him to see me again. I want him with me.

I'm so fucked up. I just... Seriously I can't even think right now. All of this is bullshit, everything was going fine, why did my past had to ruin everything!

It's all my fault.
I shouldn't have open up to Niall, I knew that opening up to people is for you to become suicidal.

"Angel? Are you ready?" I looked behind me to see my mom with her last bags. I sigh.
I can't believe we are already moving. I grab my stuff and look around my bedroom.
This is it.

I look outside my window and I couldn't breath anymore. He is standing there, staring at me, with tears in his eyes.
I can't give in. But it's not his fault. But his father is a criminal, I can get hurt.
Sometimes getting hurt for being with the one you love can be the best answer to everything.

Ok this is bullshit. I'm fighting with my inner self and love came in?! I just meet the kid a few weeks ago.

Well but I've read Romeo and Juliet, the both die though, and their like what? 13-14? This is freaking real life, and ROMEO practically just wanted to have sex with her.

"Anna darling if we want to be there on time we have to go." I didn't realize that Niall was still standing there looking at me. I turn around and grab my last box and head to the front door.

"Don't worry love, everything will turn out fine." I nod with tears welling up my eyes.

I was already getting inside the car when.
"WAIT!" I look up and Niall was running towards our car. My mom and I had widened eyes meanwhile we were staring at him.
He was right beside me.
"I'll give you 5 minutes with him." I look at my mom as if she was crazy. How can she leave me with him!?
"Go Anna." She said. I groaned, I need my board though.

I saw the relief in Niall's eyes when he saw that I was getting out of the car.
I close the door and took a deep breath.

"Are you really moving?" I turn around and saw him very pale, bags under his eyes, and swollen red eyes. I nod.

"Is it far from here?" Far? I nod. Yeah if you call moving gain to America far, then yes. He hold a sob.
I looked down to my board and started writing.
'It's for the best.'
He starts crying. "How can loosing you be for the best?! I know that you're scared that my dad will do something to you, but I promise Anna, with all my heart that I'll protect you from him even if it means giving up my life for you."

I started crying. Fuck writing meanwhile you are crying is hard. 'That is a very delicate promise.' "It might be delicate, but I'll make anything I can to protect you." 'Im not worth your life Niall' "No Anna you are not worth it, you are worth more." I shake my head.

'I still can't stay Niall.' We are a pair of crying babies right now. "Could I at least know where are you going?" I started to write. 'Miami' "WHAT?! YOU ARE GOING ALL THE WAY TO-" I interrupted him by placing my hand on top of his mouth. "Sorry, but al the way there?" I nod.

He takes a deep breath and grabs my cheeks. "I promise that I'll look for you, and when I do, I'll never let go, you will be mine, and I will be yours." I look down. "And the day that happens you will be the happiest girl, in the world, because Anna as super crazy it might sound, I'm stupidly,crazy in love with you. So you better not flirt with any other boys, neither date any asshole because I'll beat the living shit out of them." I giggle.

Niall's POV
There she is standing there all beautiful. How can she be so perfect. She starts writing on her board. I really hope that she talks to me, maybe some day. She gave me her board I was going to read what she wrote,but she interrupted me with a kiss on the lips.

The board fell of my hands and I grabbed her petite waist. This is the best feeling I've had in my entire life.

I'm going to probably sound gay, but I'm freaking feeling the butterflies. You know the ones that rumble inside your stomach, fuck I can't even think properly.

Suddenly we heard a car honk. "Sorry kids, Anna we have to go now." My girl nods. "I love you." Whisper in her ear. She smiles as she gets inside the car. Her mom starts to say something to her and she blushes. She waves at me and I do the same as the car starts.

Few moments later I'm there alone outside my house. I look down and I see the board, and read what it says.
'Ill be waiting.'

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