Part 18

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Niall's POV
"You are FUCKING insane if you think that I will leave this place without Anna!" I exclaimed. Ryan shakes his head.

"Son I understand that you are scared, nervous as we are, but I can't risk your life." I dryly laugh. "I might sound like an exaggerated soap opera dude but if I'm not with her I might just die already."

Ryan rolls his eyes.

"Niall Horan you haven't even bee with my daughter for more than five months and you already claim to love her, you both took things very quickly, believe me I'm glad you bot are happy with each other bit you son, you've done more than enough by just being here, but now it's time for you to go home."

"I will go home." I stated Ryan looks relaxed.

"-but only when Anna is by my side." Ryan looks like he was ready to throw a fit. "Ryan let the kid stay, he has only brought us support and help by being here, and he mean a lot to Anna."

"It's not that I don't want you here Niall, but I really don't want to risk your life." Ryan whispers as he sits down.
"Ryan you will give your life for Anna?" I asks. Ryan nods. "Without a doubt, why?" I slightly smile. "Because I will also give up my life just for her."

"Fine you will stay here." I give a huge smile. "But you won't leave our sight, wherever you are we have to be there." I nod.

"You should go a take a shower, we will have dinner soon." Sarah mumbles as she stands up to go to the kitchen.

"She really is stressed out." I mumble to Ryan.
"You say that and you don't hear her cry at night, I just want for this nightmare to end." He whispers.

"She cries?" I ask surprised.
"Every night, but you can't blame her it her baby we are talking about. Our baby." I nod.

I just want for my girl to be back in my arms meanwhile we watch tv and eat junk food.
Oh Anna you have no idea on how much I need you and how much I miss you.
Anna's POV
I'm fucking cold. I can't believe this assholes won't at least give me a blanket. But really I'm wondering.
Does Niall or anyone knows that Greg was the one helping Bobby?

Do they even knew that Bobby has someone that is helping him?
My head is throbbing horribly. Probably from all the tears and stress.

I'm also hungry and thirsty. It's so dark in here I can't even see if there is anyway for me to escape.

I just hope that back at home everything is fine. I hear loud footsteps coming outside the door.

"Anna." I hear a whisper as the door is being opened.
I squeezed my eyes as a bright light makes contact with my eyes.
Why is Greg here?

"I brought you food." He whispers. I frown. He shivers.
"Are you cold?" I nod. He smirks. "Sorry that you can't be comfortably in you castle princess now eat your food, or not like if I care." He snaps and slams,the door loudly.

I crawl all the way of what I remember where he placed the plate.
I start to touch the food. This is probably bread. I grab it and smell it. Yep it's bread. I'll just eat a little bit since I don't know when are they going to come and give me more.

The door is being opened again and something soft was thrown at me. I remove it from my face and look at this blanket I lift my gaze to see Greg nod at me.

He closes the door. I wait for a few seconds.

He didn't lock it.

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